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All the King's Women: Love, Sex and Politics in the Life of Charles II

Tekijä: Derek Wilson

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
772349,946 (2.5)1
The King's Women charts the relationshio of Charles Stuart with women from adolescence to death. It tells, not just of the mistresses whose company he enjoyed, but also of the other remarkable feamles in his life - his mother, his kid sister, Henrietta, his wife and those who rejected the honour of becoming royal bedfellows.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
Review: All The King’s Women by Derek Wilson.

This was an uneventful boring book. The content was slow pace reading and any information written was forgotten after every fifty pages. I was so glad but frustrated when I got to the last page. I don’t even think the book deserves a review but I felt the readers need a warning because I didn’t find one review about the book. I did find two people who never finished the book and gave no comment.

There was some information on King Charles Stuart I, but most of the book was about Prince Charles II who later became King. Charles II was influenced by his domineering mother, Henrietta Maria. The book had its normal spiel of Prince Charles II as an adolescent and his bad behaviors growing up and then becoming King experiencing a new freedom and power to influence men and events throughout his exile and after his restoration.

Then the author moves on to King Charles II’s fascination with the theaters, warrior battles, and his adult obsession as a womanizer. King Charles II actually got married, however that never stopped his philandering with many devoted royalist ladies, actresses, prostitutes, and ambitious gold-diggers who surrounded him at all times. He did have one special mistress, Lucy Walter that was afar but always somewhere close by throughout the book.
( )
  Juan-banjo | May 31, 2016 |
DNF page 144

The book focused too much on just Charles's life and not in the women and I started to nod off. I don't know why but something in Charles always has that effect. ( )
  Elysianfield | Mar 30, 2013 |
näyttää 2/2
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The King's Women charts the relationshio of Charles Stuart with women from adolescence to death. It tells, not just of the mistresses whose company he enjoyed, but also of the other remarkable feamles in his life - his mother, his kid sister, Henrietta, his wife and those who rejected the honour of becoming royal bedfellows.

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