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The Truth about the Devlins

Tekijä: Lisa Scottoline

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1299213,711 (4.17)-
"TJ Devlin is the charming disappointment in the prominent Devlin family, all of whom are lawyers at their highly successful firm-except him. After a stint in prison and rehab for alcoholism, TJ can't get hired anywhere except at the firm, in a make-work job with the title of investigator. But one night, TJ's world turns upside down after his older brother John confesses that he just murdered one of the clients, an accountant he'd confronted with proof of embezzlement. It seems impossible coming from John, the firstborn son and Most Valuable Devlin. TJ plunges into the investigation, seizing the chance to prove his worth and save his brother. But in no time, TJ and John find themselves entangled in a lethal web of deception and murder. TJ will fight to save his family, but what he learns might break them first"--… (lisätietoja)

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 8) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
fiction (humor, suspense) - TJ, a recovering alcoholic, ex-convict, and the black sheep/perennial scapegoat of his wealthy family of lawyers, finds himself in the middle of a potential conspiracy after trying to help his brother out of a potential murder/business deal gone wrong.

another fast-paced and funny book from Scottoline with some complex characters and relationships; I liked how all the pieces of the mystery came together at the end. This will be an easy book to recommend.

may 2024 bingo challenge: has epilogue, 5-word title, includes a cat, deals with mental health (sort of) ( )
  reader1009 | May 1, 2024 |
"The Truth about the Devlins" by Lisa Scottoline is a riveting thriller that delves deep into the complexities of family loyalty and betrayal. With its well-crafted plot, compelling characters, and unexpected twists, Scottoline keeps readers hooked from beginning to end. This gripping tale of secrets, murder, and redemption is sure to satisfy fans of suspenseful fiction. ( )
  Mrsmommybooknerd | Apr 13, 2024 |
Review to follow. ( )
  Dianekeenoy | Apr 6, 2024 |
Families are complicated. TJ Devlin is a disappointment in his wealthy family. Unable to find a job due to his time in prison and rehab for his alcoholism, he is hired by the family law firm as an investigator. This takes him on a wild ride and exposes cracks in the foundation of his family.

One of my favorite authors! She is local to me so it’s enjoyable to read about places I know, which helps to make it a very visual read. Her characters are always realistic, love them or hate them. I didn’t get the heart pounding like I did from her previous books, but found myself vested in the story nonetheless. More so than in any of her previous books, I found this storyline totally realistic and relatable in today’s world. Really didn’t see the twist coming, even though subtle hints were given. She tied everything together well. Her research is thorough, in this case, handling addiction in a humanistic and understandable way. I flew thru this book that was as much legal thriller as family drama. I look forward to her next book!

Thanks to NetGalley and Putnam Books for this ARC. This is my honest opinion. ( )
  LoriKBoyd | Apr 2, 2024 |
The Truth about the Devlins by Lisa Scottoline is a very highly recommended domestic psychological suspense novel following a dysfunctional Philadelphia family. This is an excellent, un-put-downable thriller that will hold your attention from start to finish.

TJ Devlin is the youngest son and the greatest disappointment in his family of lawyers. Both his parents, Paul and Marie, and two older siblings, John and Gabrielle, are lawyers in the successful family firm of Devlin and Devlin. TJ, on the other hand, is an ex-con and, after rehab, has maintain his current sobriety for two years. The only employment he has been able to find is with the family law firm in a make-work job with the title of investigator.

When his older brother John is frantic because he thinks he murdered Neil Lemaire, an accountant he confronted with proof of embezzlement, he privately turns to TJ for his help. TJ agrees to help him and this act of brotherly fidelity sets into motion a complicated entanglement of schemes and deception, especially after John falsely tells his family that TJ is drinking again. At the same time, he is helping Gabby on a heart-breaking pro bono case.

TJ is a likable, genuine character who is honest about his many flaws and failings. He is determined, intelligent, tenacious, but also self-effacing and realistic. This is truly a family drama and the interpersonal dynamics in the Devlin family play an important role. TJ remains loyal to his family, even when it is to his own detriment. His father is a disagreeable, unlikable character and John is an arrogant, pompous jerk. His mother, Marie, and sister Gabby are both likable, agreeable characters.

As expected, the writing is exceptional and descriptive. The pace is fast and compelling for most of the novel, although there is a more even pace in the middle. The narrative is full of action and suspense, containing a good dose of family drama and hysterics, as well as several twists along the way. The Truth about the Devlins is truly an un-put-downable, just one-more-chapter book that had me staying up way-too-late to finish it. The pages flew by. There are several shocking surprises and twists along the way. You will be cheering TJ on as it seems more and more mud is slung in his direction while he is trying to do his best.

The Truth about the Devlins is another winner from Scottoline! Thanks to G.P, Putnam's Sons for providing me with an advance reader's copy via NetGalley. My review is voluntary and expresses my honest opinion.
http://www.shetreadssoftly.com/2024/03/the-truth-about-devlins.html ( )
  SheTreadsSoftly | Mar 13, 2024 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 8) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


"TJ Devlin is the charming disappointment in the prominent Devlin family, all of whom are lawyers at their highly successful firm-except him. After a stint in prison and rehab for alcoholism, TJ can't get hired anywhere except at the firm, in a make-work job with the title of investigator. But one night, TJ's world turns upside down after his older brother John confesses that he just murdered one of the clients, an accountant he'd confronted with proof of embezzlement. It seems impossible coming from John, the firstborn son and Most Valuable Devlin. TJ plunges into the investigation, seizing the chance to prove his worth and save his brother. But in no time, TJ and John find themselves entangled in a lethal web of deception and murder. TJ will fight to save his family, but what he learns might break them first"--

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