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Ruthless (A Kaldan and Scháfer Mystery Book 3)

Tekijä: Anne Mette Hancock

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1021,858,295 (4.67)-
When Jan Frischof, a dying elderly man, gives a deathbed confession too unbelievable to be true, journalist Heloise Kaldan immediately knows there's a deeper story to uncover. Her gut soon proves to be right-Jan immediately backtracks and warns her that they will both be in danger if she asks any more questions. Could this kind and elderly man really be a cold-blooded killer? Heloise quickly realizes that this is a darker, and far more complicated, investigation. Jan is clearly afraid of something, but who or what he's afraid of could be a dangerous question for Heloise to find the answer to. As she digs deeper, Heloise begins to see that Jan's confession is connected to a string of decades-old disappearances. But next of kin and police are lying to her at every turn, and she has no idea what else Jan could be hiding. Enlisting her friend, detective inspector Erik Schfer, Heloise begins her descent into the past, unsure of what she will unearth.… (lisätietoja)

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From Kirkus: A dementia patient dying of cancer in a nursing home holds the key to the third case for Copenhagen DS Erik Schäfer and Demokratisk Dagblad reporter Heloise Kaldan.Heloise, who’s been visiting Jan Fischhof repeatedly for an article about a charitable group called Vigil, is spooked when, called to his bedside by a volunteer convinced that he’s at death’s door, she hears him mutter something about “Mads Orek” and his fear that he’ll be held accountable for his wrongdoings.

Jan’s feeble attempts at backtracking the next time she sees him convinces Heloise that she needs to dive into the case of small-time criminal Tom Mázoreck, who drowned when his boat caught fire back in 1998. Confronted by Mogens Bøttner, a former colleague turned supervisor who forbids her to work the story further, she abruptly announces that she’s taking a week off.

Schäfer meanwhile is challenged by superstar forensic scientist Jakob Sandahl, who blithely maintains that has-been jazz great Lester Wilkins’ bloody death was due to natural causes.

So unlike virtually every other police officer in Denmark, he’s ready to work intermittently with Heloise, who links Mázoreck’s death to the vanishing a year or two earlier of Mia Sark, 19, and Nina Dalsfort, 17. Both disappearances are also connected to gang leader Jes Decker, whose pit bull met a condign fate soon after he attacked Mázoreck. Jes has mostly settled into a managerial role, but his son, René, makes no secret of his desire for Heloise to let sleeping dogs lie. As the investigation moves forward, there seems to be less and less room for surprises, but Hancock saves a whopper for the deceptively quiet climax.A model of the police/reporter partnership that’s especially effective in managing the counterpoint between its two leads. I really liked this book and this series. ( )
  EdGoldberg | Jun 5, 2024 |
Ruthless is my first book by this author, and although it is the third in a series, I thoroughly enjoyed it as a stand-alone book. It begins with Heloise Kaldan, a journalist in Copenhagen, Denmark, visiting a dying man through the Vigil—an organization created so those without family don't spend their dying moments alone. She's become attached to an old gentleman, Jan Fischhof, with terminal cancer and journeys to Southern Jutland to investigate his past. What Heloise finds is a web of lies surrounding the cold cases of several missing girls. It was a suspenseful story that kept building with each page. The characters are well-rounded and endearing. The plot twist at the end was heart-stopping. I'm going to look for more books by Ms. Hancock. ( )
  PaulaGalvan | Nov 21, 2023 |
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When Jan Frischof, a dying elderly man, gives a deathbed confession too unbelievable to be true, journalist Heloise Kaldan immediately knows there's a deeper story to uncover. Her gut soon proves to be right-Jan immediately backtracks and warns her that they will both be in danger if she asks any more questions. Could this kind and elderly man really be a cold-blooded killer? Heloise quickly realizes that this is a darker, and far more complicated, investigation. Jan is clearly afraid of something, but who or what he's afraid of could be a dangerous question for Heloise to find the answer to. As she digs deeper, Heloise begins to see that Jan's confession is connected to a string of decades-old disappearances. But next of kin and police are lying to her at every turn, and she has no idea what else Jan could be hiding. Enlisting her friend, detective inspector Erik Schfer, Heloise begins her descent into the past, unsure of what she will unearth.

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