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To Rescue the Constitution: George Washington and the Fragile American Experiment

Tekijä: Bret Baier

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
633421,530 (3.67)-
A new biography of George Washington, centering on his return from retirement to lead the Constitutional Convention and secure the future of the United States.

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näyttää 3/3
To Rescue the Constitution: George Washington and the Fragile American Experiment is an excellent telling of the fight that the citizens of the new country went through to become the United States of America. Mainly the importance of George Washington with his gentle, humble and formidable presence who was able to bring everyone together to write the Constitution. It was a fight that needed an honest well respected person to lead the country. Five stars were given to this book which was well written and very well researched. ( )
  lbswiener | May 17, 2024 |
A bare-bones account of the Revolution and the Constitutional Convention through the eyes and telling of George Washington. Nowhere near as good as Chernow's biographies of Washington and Hamilton, McCullough's of Adams, and Meacham's of Jefferson, it serves as a good introductory account for those who may not know as much as they should about Washington and the birth of the nation. Resting on good secondary source biographies (like those mentioned above) and easily available primary sources, it is not a bad book, it's just not a great book. Okay pictures (though there was an error in captions in my text) with endnotes and an index. Start here if you're a novice or a teen. Start with Chernow, Flexner, or Ellis if you want some real meat on Washington. ( )
  tuckerresearch | Feb 21, 2024 |
I’ve read dozens of biographies whose subjects were the Founding Fathers and histories of the events surrounding the American Revolution. Many were extremely detailed accounts (such as John Adams and Alexander Hamilton), while others were broader overviews. This would certainly fall in the latter category.

Certainly, George Washington is deserving of a multi-volume treatise. Clearly, the most indispensable of the Founding Fathers, and perhaps the ONLY individual that could have steered the struggling, young nation through its difficult beginning. This book focuses on the aftermath of the American Revolution and the transition from the unworkable Articles of Confederation to the Constitutional Republic which has existed for the past 235 years.

The book gives a very cursory background treatment of Washington’s early years and Revolutionary War service before moving to the post-War struggle to form an effective and workable federal government framework. The book concludes with a less than cursory overview of his subsequent Presidency and short retirement before his death.

There is certainly some good information here, but be aware that the treatment is extremely shallow and relatively simplistic. It is not a bad overview, but the subject matter is deserving of far more. ( )
  santhony | Jan 12, 2024 |
näyttää 3/3
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For all who seek common ground in the unifying principles in this book that have made our country great from the beginning.
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Two days before Christmas, 1777....
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


A new biography of George Washington, centering on his return from retirement to lead the Constitutional Convention and secure the future of the United States.

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Keskiarvo: (3.67)
2.5 1
3.5 1
5 1

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