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Just Beyond the Clouds

Tekijä: Karen Kingsbury

Sarjat: Cody Gunner (2)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
772329,249 (4.23)2
Fiction. Christian Fiction. HTML:#1 bestselling author Karen Kingsbury tells the heartwrenching story of Cody Gunner, a widower fighting for stability, and the woman who wants to help him trust again--even when trust is the most terrifying thing of all.

Still aching over his wife's death, Cody Gunner can't bear the thought of also letting go of his Down's Syndrome brother, Carl Joseph. Cody wants his brother home, where he will be safe and cared for, not out on his own in a world that Cody knows all too well can be heartless and insecure. So when Carl Joseph's teacher, Elle, begins championing his independence, she finds herself at odds with Cody. But even as these two battle it out, they can't deny the instinctive connection they share, and Cody faces a crisis of the heart. What if Elle is the one woman who can teach Cody that love is still possible? If Cody can let go of his lingering anger, he might just see that sometimes the brightest hope of all lies just beyond the clouds.… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 2 mainintaa

näyttää 3/3
My favorite Karen Kingsbury novel yet! It's the touching story of widower Cody Gunner and his brother, Carl Joseph who was born with Down Syndrome. CJ attends a "living skills" centr for people with Downs and "finds his wings," Cody wants to protect him, but CJ's teacher, Elle Dalton, champions CJ's cause. Cody doesn't realize that Elle's sister Daisy -- an CJ's best friend -- was born with Down Syndrome also. This common connection leads him to a new understanding of the opportunities that await CJ and Daisy and the realization that they can function in society in a meaningful and eventually, independant, way. This book opened my eyes as well as Cody's! ( )
  CoraJoanBurgett | Sep 15, 2008 |
Very uplifting
  shellrub | Feb 19, 2008 |
A woman with Down Syndrome sister has a program to develop independence for such. A man has a similar brother, but is overly protective and opposes such risks. The reader learns much about handicapped people and their lives and about family relationships, as well as loneliness and grief at lost relationship in this Christian nove. ( )
  lopemopay | Oct 4, 2007 |
näyttää 3/3
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Fiction. Christian Fiction. HTML:#1 bestselling author Karen Kingsbury tells the heartwrenching story of Cody Gunner, a widower fighting for stability, and the woman who wants to help him trust again--even when trust is the most terrifying thing of all.

Still aching over his wife's death, Cody Gunner can't bear the thought of also letting go of his Down's Syndrome brother, Carl Joseph. Cody wants his brother home, where he will be safe and cared for, not out on his own in a world that Cody knows all too well can be heartless and insecure. So when Carl Joseph's teacher, Elle, begins championing his independence, she finds herself at odds with Cody. But even as these two battle it out, they can't deny the instinctive connection they share, and Cody faces a crisis of the heart. What if Elle is the one woman who can teach Cody that love is still possible? If Cody can let go of his lingering anger, he might just see that sometimes the brightest hope of all lies just beyond the clouds.

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2 1
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4 16
4.5 5
5 18

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