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Little Miss Spider

Tekijä: David Kirk

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
5111448,229 (4.1)2
On her very first day of life, Little Miss Spider searches for her mother and finds love in an unexpected place.

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 14) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
The girls loved this book and the rhyming rhythm of it. ( )
  LynneQuan | Jan 30, 2018 |
In this book the character is Miss Spider and she is lonely and seeking companionship. She invites all her fellow insects to a tea party. her friends did not want to come because she is a spider and was afraid she would eat them. The creatures did not want to get to know her because they were scared of Miss Spider. The theme suggests that the creatures were afraid of her and assumed because she was a spider that all spiders ate insects and creatures. their assumption did not allow them to get to know her for who see was. Miss Spider let a moth loose out of her web and di not eat it. the other insects were surprised and decided to go to the tea party. At the tea party Miss Spider ate flowers and drank tea and found out she did not eat other insects or creatures. This is a good technique to show children that we are all different but yet the same. We all have qualities and uniqueness about our selves and we should not judge a person. The pictures were bright, big, and funny. The pictures were moving and you felt sorry for Miss Spider and wanted her to have that Tea party with her friends.
  KamarandaJones1 | Jul 8, 2016 |
Little Miss Spider is a young child whom searches for her lost mother and along the way she finds a mother figure in Betty the Beetle.

Personal Reaction:
This book reminded me of how I lost my grandmother and was able to find a woman who become a grandmother figure to me and how she has given me the love that I was missing after my grandmother passed away.

Class Room Extension Ideas:
1. In the classroom the kids could create paper versions of Little Miss Spider and write about qualities they share with her.
2. In the classroom the kids could write a little about acceptance and what it means to them and we could discuss this. ( )
  nataliegent | Jan 20, 2016 |
“Little Miss Spider” by David Kirk is a good book for children. As a teacher you are encouraged to recognize all types of families, which includes families that may adopt. That brings me to the number one reason I like this book. Little Miss Spider arrives in this world looking for her mother but cannot find her. When an older bug realizes she is all alone, she offers to help her look. This is the beginning to two very different bugs becoming part of each other’s lives after the older bug tells Little Miss Spider that she wants to be her mother.
Reason two that I like this book is because we are not only told how different families are, but individuals too. The way I see it the illustration of each bug is representing how different people are not only in appearance, but personality, culture, etc… In other books from this author he has a common saying “every buggy is different.” You can use books like these with younger kids to explain how all families and people are different in a simple and enjoyable way. ( )
  cbucci1 | Sep 15, 2015 |
This is a story about Little Miss Spider's first day of school. This is a great story that helps students reflect on memories of their first day of school. The ending lesson of this story is that everyone is special and has a special gift. This book is great for the elementary level grades. ( )
  KRW15 | Apr 30, 2015 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 14) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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On her very first day of life, Little Miss Spider searches for her mother and finds love in an unexpected place.

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3 7
3.5 4
4 7
4.5 1
5 19

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