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Murder by Candlelight

Tekijä: Faith Martin

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1851,201,308 (4)1
One suspicious death. Two amateur sleuths. And an utterly impossible crime... The NUMBER ONE ebook bestseller! 'Amuses and intrigues in equal measure... a splendid start to what promises to be a long-running series' Daily Mail 'The perfect village mystery. A golden-age world with an energy that is totally contemporary' J.M. Hall, author of A Spoonful of Murder 'All the ingredients of a classic mystery... enormous fun.' Orlando Murrin, author of Knife Skills for Beginners 'Brilliant characters that leap off the page.' The Sun The Cotswolds, 1924. At the Old Forge in the quiet village of Maybury-in-the-Marsh a cry of anguish rings out: lady of the house Amy Phelps has been discovered dead. But with all the windows and doors to her room locked from inside, how - and by whom - was she killed? Arbuthnot 'Arbie' Swift finds himself in the unlikely position of detective. The celebrated author of The Gentleman's Guide to Ghost-Hunting is staying at the Old Forge to investigate a suspected spectre, but now the more pressing matter of Amy's murder falls to him too. With old friend Val, he soon uncovers a sorry tale of altered wills, secret love affairs and tragic losses - and plenty of motives for murder. When events take another sinister turn, Arbie must find the killer, fast. And to do so will mean cracking a most perfectly plotted crime... Perfect for fans of The Thursday Murder Club, The Appeal and The Marlow Murder Club, don't miss this stunning new series from the multi-million bestselling author! Readers LOVE Murder by Candlelight! 'I absolutely loved this... The story grabbed me from the beginning and I devoured it.' NetGalley reviewer 'A beautifully constructed puzzle... I so hope this will be the start of a series.' NetGalley reviewer 'Very entertaining... Full of red herrings, plot twists and turns. I thought I knew who was the killer but I was wrong.' NetGalley reviewer 'What an utterly delightful and clever mystery... I highly recommend this book.' NetGalley reviewer 'Terrifically good, and just great fun!... All of the clues are provided, but so are a number of very good red herrings... I can't wait to see more of Arbie and Val.' NetGalley reviewer 'WOW. I loved this book.' NetGalley reviewer 'Absolutely perfect! This is the book I have been craving since I last read the Thursday Murder Club series!' NetGalley reviewer… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 5/5
My fault this one. I've been enjoying a few crime fiction novels on the cosier end of the spectrum recently, but this one, alas, was too far into that world for my taste. Perfectly good novel for fans of that overtly English, slightly dotty, eccentric small village style of novel. Just not for me.

  austcrimefiction | Jun 5, 2024 |
I am finding that the older I get, the more I love cosy mysteries! And I've just discovered author Faith Martin - who is a master in the genre. Her brand new book is Murder By Candlelight.

All the bits are there. The book is set in 1924 in Maybury-in-the-Marsh, a small village in the Cotswolds. A place where everyone knows everyone's business. Or do they really know their neighbours? I love the dialogue and mores of this time frame - how a verbal barb is parried back, covered in politeness. The solving of the whodunit is found in piecing together bits of conversations, memories, observations, unplanned slips of the tongue, deduction and more, into a family answer. Its a nice change from current day DNA samples etc. Now while the police are are indeed investigating, there is a young pair of villagers who are also having a poke about. They were easy to like and you can't help but like them. I also have my fingers crossed that we will see more of Val and Arbie - they're delightful - and I feel like there's a romantic connection just waiting to be made.

Martin's plotting is wonderful! The crime seems to be of the locked room type, but there are other avenues that might also be in play - 'nuf said. Martin's case has lots of suspects to choose from. I have to admit - I didn't solve the case until the the list was down to one. Bravo to Faith Martin - this whodunit was not obvious.

I am really hoping that this is just the first book in a series. I would very happily pick up the next book! ( )
  Twink | Jan 4, 2024 |
‎Murder by Candelight pairs a twisting plot with all the entertaining elements of a "British village mystery." Set in the Cotswolds in 1924, it features Arbie Swift, the youthful author of A Gentleman's Guide to Ghost-Hunting. Arbie arrives in the village to investigate a possible ghost in the home of a wealthy spinster. When she turns up murdered in a locked room, Arbie switches from hunting ghosts to hunting murderers.

If you enjoy "romp-like" Golden age mysteries, you're in for a treat with this title. ( )
  Sarah-Hope | Dec 30, 2023 |
Murder by Candlelight is a murder mystery set in 1920's rural England and it beautifully blends the worlds of "Queen of Crime" Agatha Christie with "Comic Genius" P.G.Wodehouse.

A locked room, a despicable murder and a recently changed will all add up to a finely plotted mystery with plenty of suspects and the obligatory red herrings to keep you guessing

The characters are fun, the dialog is perfect for the era and the main sleuth evokes fond memories of Bertie Wooster.

I loved everything about this whodunit and stayed up to the wee hours in order to finish it.

Top Hole! A spiffing read ( )
  KevinCannon1968 | Oct 25, 2023 |
historical-novel, Cotswolds, new-series, first-in-series, amateur-sleuth, 1924, author, friends, friendship, relatives, friction, gossip, ghosts, ghost-hunting, murder, murder-investigation, local-law-enforcement, locked-room-mystery, poisons, inheritance, suspense, situational-humor, sly-humor, village*****

Hoist on his own petard.
Once he published his book (rather under protest) he became the go-to person for a local wealthy spinster who believed that the family ghost might be afoot. Or not. His long time friend (and occasional nemesis), Val, joins in the fun and aggravation. Alas, a murder does occur and then he is pushed into becoming an amateur sleuth while the whole village has a gossip feast. Great fun and full of tongue-in-cheek humor. Loved it!
I requested and received an EARC from HQ Digital via NetGalley. Thank you! ( )
  jetangen4571 | Jun 14, 2023 |
näyttää 5/5
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One suspicious death. Two amateur sleuths. And an utterly impossible crime... The NUMBER ONE ebook bestseller! 'Amuses and intrigues in equal measure... a splendid start to what promises to be a long-running series' Daily Mail 'The perfect village mystery. A golden-age world with an energy that is totally contemporary' J.M. Hall, author of A Spoonful of Murder 'All the ingredients of a classic mystery... enormous fun.' Orlando Murrin, author of Knife Skills for Beginners 'Brilliant characters that leap off the page.' The Sun The Cotswolds, 1924. At the Old Forge in the quiet village of Maybury-in-the-Marsh a cry of anguish rings out: lady of the house Amy Phelps has been discovered dead. But with all the windows and doors to her room locked from inside, how - and by whom - was she killed? Arbuthnot 'Arbie' Swift finds himself in the unlikely position of detective. The celebrated author of The Gentleman's Guide to Ghost-Hunting is staying at the Old Forge to investigate a suspected spectre, but now the more pressing matter of Amy's murder falls to him too. With old friend Val, he soon uncovers a sorry tale of altered wills, secret love affairs and tragic losses - and plenty of motives for murder. When events take another sinister turn, Arbie must find the killer, fast. And to do so will mean cracking a most perfectly plotted crime... Perfect for fans of The Thursday Murder Club, The Appeal and The Marlow Murder Club, don't miss this stunning new series from the multi-million bestselling author! Readers LOVE Murder by Candlelight! 'I absolutely loved this... The story grabbed me from the beginning and I devoured it.' NetGalley reviewer 'A beautifully constructed puzzle... I so hope this will be the start of a series.' NetGalley reviewer 'Very entertaining... Full of red herrings, plot twists and turns. I thought I knew who was the killer but I was wrong.' NetGalley reviewer 'What an utterly delightful and clever mystery... I highly recommend this book.' NetGalley reviewer 'Terrifically good, and just great fun!... All of the clues are provided, but so are a number of very good red herrings... I can't wait to see more of Arbie and Val.' NetGalley reviewer 'WOW. I loved this book.' NetGalley reviewer 'Absolutely perfect! This is the book I have been craving since I last read the Thursday Murder Club series!' NetGalley reviewer

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