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Soul of a Witch

Tekijä: Harley Laroux

Sarjat: Souls Trilogy (3)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
632420,372 (4.5)-

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näyttää 2/2
So nicely structured and everything falls into its place with this last book. I enjoyed this trilogy and it was one of the most interesting of this type of fantasies I read so far. ( )
  simonamitac | Nov 27, 2023 |
Archdemon, Callum has spent two thousand years looking for his witch and the cult that keeps her meek and isolated - he just has to help her kill a God and then they'll be free.

Everly Hadleigh has had enough of her family and the cult she's an unwilling part of. But freedom isn't in her cards unless she can find a way to kill the God that wants her to be it's vessel. It's a good thing then that Callum finds her - and has a bit of a talent for killing Gods.

I've been dying to read the final book in this trilogy and it didn't disappoint. Like the first two books, this runs concurrently, beginning a bit before the other two and then parallel. I still think the second book was my favourite - I adored Juniper and Zane but this was a close second.

Everly and Callum were great characters and together they were sweet and fiery. That said, they were relatively tame compared to the other books. This was nowhere near as dark and twisted in sex or violence. But there was a lot of sex - and honestly? Too much sex. To the point where it took over and the plot stalled. It would've been a better read if it had of cut some of those scenes out and focused more on the magic and world building. Also the genital piercings! *shudders*

The world building was lush and vibrant and I adored it. Everly's magic and her grandmother's house was giving me total Howl's Moving Castle and Baba Yaga vibes. It was awesome. I only wish there had been more of it. I would've liked to see more of Hell and its inhabitants as well. In terms of the God storyline, things were wrapped up satisfactorily - but I would've liked to have more detail and flesh out the motives a bit further. I would love to read more books set in this world, so hopefully the author will write more.

I would've liked to see Juniper and Zane in the epilogue. For some reason only Rae appears and frankly, I didn't like Rae in her book and I didn't want to see her in this one. But it is what it is.

A terrific conclusion to a unique and vibrant trilogy. 4 stars. ( )
  funstm | Oct 3, 2023 |
näyttää 2/2
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