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The Scripture Memory Map for Teen Girls: A Creative Journal (Faith Maps)

Tekijä: Compiled by Barbour Staff

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THE ORIGINAL Scripture Memory Map! What Does Scripture Memorization Look Like? . . . Find out in The Scripture Memory Map for Teen Girls.  This unique scripture memory journal is a fun and creative way for the teen girls in your life to treasure the truths of God's Word in their hearts. Each page features a lovely 2-color design that guides girls to write out specific scripture memory goals, thoughts, and more. . .which then create a specific "map" for them to follow as they memorize God's Word. Each map includes a spot to record the date, so they can look back through their journal and see how God's Word has been ingrained into their daily lives. The Scripture Memory Map for Teen Girls will not only encourage them to become more familiar with God's Word. . .it will also help them build a healthy spiritual habit of Bible memorization for life!    This lovely journal, perfect for personal quiet time or small groups, features: A user-friendly spiral binding--lays flat! Delightfully designed two-color interior Space to record the date on each Scripture Memory Map Prompted sections guide the creation of each Scripture Memory Map--from start to finish  Carefully selected scripture on every spread Bonus "Great Scriptures to Memorize" section… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatSmithLilyvaleLibrary, mayala2372

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THE ORIGINAL Scripture Memory Map! What Does Scripture Memorization Look Like? . . . Find out in The Scripture Memory Map for Teen Girls.  This unique scripture memory journal is a fun and creative way for the teen girls in your life to treasure the truths of God's Word in their hearts. Each page features a lovely 2-color design that guides girls to write out specific scripture memory goals, thoughts, and more. . .which then create a specific "map" for them to follow as they memorize God's Word. Each map includes a spot to record the date, so they can look back through their journal and see how God's Word has been ingrained into their daily lives. The Scripture Memory Map for Teen Girls will not only encourage them to become more familiar with God's Word. . .it will also help them build a healthy spiritual habit of Bible memorization for life!    This lovely journal, perfect for personal quiet time or small groups, features: A user-friendly spiral binding--lays flat! Delightfully designed two-color interior Space to record the date on each Scripture Memory Map Prompted sections guide the creation of each Scripture Memory Map--from start to finish  Carefully selected scripture on every spread Bonus "Great Scriptures to Memorize" section

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