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A Twisted Love Story

Tekijä: Samantha Downing

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
894306,060 (3.16)-
"From the bestselling author of My Lovely Wife comes a reckless, delicious thriller about a young couple that gives a whole new meaning to the dangers of modern dating. Ivy and Wes know they are meant to be. There's no other way to describe the feelings they have for each other except to blame it on fate and being soul mates. What starts with a first date, then a first kiss, turns into an intensely passionate love affair that neither of them will ever be able to walk away from-no matter how hard they try and, believe me, they've tried. But they're back together again and swear this time will be different. No more games, no more drama, and certainly no more crimes. Orange jumpsuits aren't a good look for either of them. They know their friends, family, and the police aren't rooting for their happily-ever-after. But they'll prove them all wrong. If you're meant to be, nothing will stand in your way"--… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 3/3
The main characters of this book, Wes and Ivy, have a sick, obsessive relationship - can't be together, can't be apart. When, during the course of one of their arguments, someone winds up dead, their lives really go off the rails. And when a police detective starts poking around, the tension mounts. I had the ending of this story all figured out, and I was totally wrong. I'm not convinced that I like the ending, but it was quite a ride getting there. I'll be reading the rest of this author's books. ( )
  flourgirl49 | Apr 28, 2024 |
Lots of drama in this psychological thriller.

Wes and Ivy have a crazy relationship that surely cannot be mistaken for real love. But they are definitely the pair that can’t live together and can’t be apart. For 10 years they have had their ups and downs, breaking up and getting back together way too many times to count. No one they know is a fan of them being a couple. But now a detective has them on her radar and it seems that there is major trouble coming their way.

I would have probably liked this roller coaster ride of a story better if I could have dredged up one iota of liking for any of the main characters. There wasn’t one redeemable soul found, and in my opinion, that made it impossible for me to care one way or the other about all that was going down. I didn’t relate to or understand anything of the decisions each made or the behaviors exhibited by anyone. Lots of lying and manipulation going on, with everyone having some sort of personal agenda. The writing is first rate to be sure, but the narrative and plot — along with the dodgy characters — just never put this story into the compelling read category. I was a little surprised by the ending, and how much I appreciated the direction taken. I’ve no doubt that this will hit the mark for many readers, but it just wasn’t all that for me.

Thank you to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing Group for this e-book ARC to read and review. ( )
  CelticLibrarian | Sep 15, 2023 |
College sweethearts, Wes and Ivy, are in love…but it’s a totally obsessive love story. Who is the the one obsessing? What secrets are they hiding and how far will they go to keep those secrets hidden? Could a detective looking into one crime be on to something much bigger?

Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I didn’t love this. I found the characters totally annoying and really wanted to smack them silly. The ending left me unfulfilled. After 10 years of the off and on relationship, I found the storyline got old quickly. The short chapters did keep me engaged and kept the pace of the story moving. Although this book wasn’t for me, fans of Ms. Downing will enjoy her dark twists and turns. It will keep them turning the page.

Thanks to Berkeley Publishing Group and NetGalley for this ARC. Opinion is mine alone. ( )
  LoriKBoyd | Jul 18, 2023 |
näyttää 3/3
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"From the bestselling author of My Lovely Wife comes a reckless, delicious thriller about a young couple that gives a whole new meaning to the dangers of modern dating. Ivy and Wes know they are meant to be. There's no other way to describe the feelings they have for each other except to blame it on fate and being soul mates. What starts with a first date, then a first kiss, turns into an intensely passionate love affair that neither of them will ever be able to walk away from-no matter how hard they try and, believe me, they've tried. But they're back together again and swear this time will be different. No more games, no more drama, and certainly no more crimes. Orange jumpsuits aren't a good look for either of them. They know their friends, family, and the police aren't rooting for their happily-ever-after. But they'll prove them all wrong. If you're meant to be, nothing will stand in your way"--

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2 1
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3 8
3.5 4
4 2

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