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Bunnygirl: The First Adventure

Tekijä: Holly Jayne

Sarjat: Bunnygirl (1)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
215,290,560 (5)-
"A feel-good story about a superhero whose superpower is her kindness. Bea loves helping friends and really wants to be a superhero, but none of the costumes she tries on are quite right. What makes an outfit super? A cape? A mask? They're just not her. Even her dog Woofs agrees. It's not until Bea rescues and returns an injured bunny that she discovers the super suit that fits her personality. Bea is Bunnygirl! And she and Woofs are ready to help."--Provided by publisher.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatfunstm, JeanLittleLibrary

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Ei tämänhetkisiä Keskustelu-viestiketjuja tästä kirjasta.

A cutesy graphic novel-esque romp about a girl named Bea and her dog, Woofs, just trying to be kind to themselves and others and enjoying things that make them happy.

In The First Adventure, Bea spreads her message of love and kindness as she searches for a way to embody these qualities more superficially - by becoming a superhero. But none of the costumes she tries are quite right - until with the help of some new friends she finds the perfect one.

This was a bit of an undiscovered gem. I was expecting very little of a book called Bunnygirl but I was pleasantly surprised by the positivity and feel good vibes the book. There's quirkiness and ridiculousness and lots of humour. It's absurd in all the best ways and I was fully committed to Bea's quest to find her superhero niche. My seven year old niece adores it and both of us were amused by the sunnies wearing bunnies eating cereal.

A charming read for younger readers with accessible text, a positive and enduring message of kindness and kawaii imagery. 5 stars. ( )
  funstm | Feb 23, 2024 |
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


"A feel-good story about a superhero whose superpower is her kindness. Bea loves helping friends and really wants to be a superhero, but none of the costumes she tries on are quite right. What makes an outfit super? A cape? A mask? They're just not her. Even her dog Woofs agrees. It's not until Bea rescues and returns an injured bunny that she discovers the super suit that fits her personality. Bea is Bunnygirl! And she and Woofs are ready to help."--Provided by publisher.

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