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smART: Use Your Eyes to Boost Your Brain (Adapted from the New York Times bestseller Visual Intelligence)

Tekijä: Amy E. Herman

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2211,033,577 (5)-
"What would you say if I told you that looking at abstract paintings could give you the confidence you need to speak up in class? Or that learning the history of donuts could help you think like a super spy and train like the CIA? smART teaches readers how to think critically and creatively, a skill that only requires you to open your eyes and actively engage your brain. This young reader's adaptation is based on VISUAL INTELLIGENCE by Amy E. Herman"--… (lisätietoja)

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Meant for more than just kids, this book stretches those mind 'muscles' and explains how to increase those cognitive functions.

I'll admit that I expected quite a few search-puzzles and such, when I first got my hands on this book. That's not what this is...although there are plenty of exercises to give that brain a workout. Instead, this book leads the reader through various activities and explains what each one does and why it works. Readers will leave these pages knowing more about why certain things improve our ability to recognize details around us and have a few hints on how to practice these abilities and improve. And it's a very interesting read, too.

This is broken down into eight chapters, which lead the reader step-by-step down a path to 'improve' the brain. There is quite a bit to read, but the explanations are geared for the young audience and use correlations they'll be able to connect with (like popsicles, detective work, games, etc). It is interesting, and I was surprised how much it draws in although the topic seems as if it'd be dry. I do think that most middle graders won't want to dive into this much depth, yet, but it's great for young adults (and adults) too.

I was happily surprised at the use of famous artwork in these pages. The author gives readers many opportunities to practice the skills on their own, and that mostly through the use of art. These exercises are fun, easy to understand, and use the art in a clever...and very successful...way. Sometimes, the reader needs to turn a few pages forward or back to do the exercise (which is too bad but not really an issue), and these photos do not fill the entire page (which is also too bad, since it'd make the exercises easier to do). Still, each of these does make the tasks entertaining, and they definitely fulfill their purpose.

I was surprised how much I enjoyed diving into this read and I can see especially teens enjoying this one quite a bit. It'd also add a great theme to the classroom setting or even for homeschoolers. I received an ARC and found this to be very well done. ( )
  tdrecker | Oct 1, 2023 |
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"What would you say if I told you that looking at abstract paintings could give you the confidence you need to speak up in class? Or that learning the history of donuts could help you think like a super spy and train like the CIA? smART teaches readers how to think critically and creatively, a skill that only requires you to open your eyes and actively engage your brain. This young reader's adaptation is based on VISUAL INTELLIGENCE by Amy E. Herman"--

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