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Summerhill : kasvatuksen uusi suunta (1960)

Tekijä: A. S. Neill

Muut tekijät: Katso muut tekijät -osio.

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
9301222,944 (3.86)9
Originally published in 1960,Summerhillbecame an instant bestseller and a classic volume of education for an entire generation. Now, this thoroughly expanded and revised version of the originalSummerhillreinstates the revolutionary "free school" traditions begun by Summerhill's founder A.S. Neill. As American education lags behind the rest of the world, this new edition is more timely than ever. The children of today face struggles far greater than any previous generation and we, as parents and teachers, must teach them now to make choices for themselves and to learn from the outcome of their decisions. This classic work yet again invites a new view of childhood and presents an essential treatise that challenges us to rethink our approach to education.… (lisätietoja)

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  laplantelibrary | Dec 7, 2022 |
Summerhill is not only the story of the school, Summerhill, but also a book of psychology, sociology and biology (human). The author is the manager of Summerhill and describes it and its inhabitants in great detail. However, he seems to have an abnormal preoccupation with masturbation and uses every opportunity to mention it. He devotes one whole chapter to it and implies that the reason people stammer is because the have a guilt complex about masturbating.
Summerhill is in Leiston, Suffolk, England. Everybody is awake at eight and lessons begin at 9:30 and go on until one. No-one is forced to attend classes. Afternoon is free for any activities the children desire. Monday and Thursday nights the children attend movies in the nearby town; Tuesday nights Neill gives a talk on psychology; Wednesday night dances are held; Friday night is for rehearsing plays; and Saturday is the night of the General School Meeting. Most of the children are between the ages of four and sixteen.
This book interested me very much because I had been hearing about free schools a great deal and previous to reading this book I had only read a few articles about Everdale. The concept is fascinating and Neill's methods of bringing up children are very interesting. If I ever have children I would want them raised with no inhibitions the Neillian way. This book should be standard highschool reading instead of university. What better time to read abook about proper attitudes towards sex and self-discipline than when students whole lives are governed by wrong sexual attitudes and adult discipline?
I wrote this review when I was in high school (if you didn't guess). I believe my sister had taken the book in university and brought it home. I was always keen to read anything I found in our house and my parents never tried to restrict my reading. So I read a wide variety of literature and non-fiction. Although I probably don't remember most of the books I read back then this book did make an impression on me. I never did have children so I never got to try out the Neillian approach to child-rearing. Probably just as well.!
  gypsysmom | Jun 8, 2020 |
Librería 5. Estante 5.
  atman2019 | Dec 5, 2019 |
> Ce livre est sorti initialement en 1960 en anglais pour présenter l’expérience de l’école de Summerhill, école autogérée fondée en 1921 près de Londres et qui existe encore aujourd’hui, mais est devenue très huppée. Son fondateur, psychanalyste, a essayé de mettre en pratique les idées alternatives face à l’école traditionnelle soucieuse d’instruire mais pas d’éduquer. Publié en français pour la première fois en 1970, puis réédité en 1985, il est de nouveau disponible et passionnera tous ceux et celles qui se posent des questions sur l’éducation alternative.
Revue Silence, juin 2004

> Summerhill, c'est l'aventure d'une école autogérée fondée en 1921 dans la région de Londres. Son fondateur, le psychanalyste A.S. Neill (1883-1973), a mis les découvertes psychanalytiques (?) au service de l'éducation. Il s'est dressé contre l'école traditionnelle soucieuse d'instruire mais non pas d'éduquer. Il s'est dressé contre les parents hantés par le critère de succès (l'argent). Il s'est insurgé contre un système social qui forme, dit-il, des individus "manipulés" et dociles, nécessaires à l'ensemble bureaucratique hautement hiérarchisé de notre ère industrielle.
Maud Mannoni

> Tandis que la doctrine classique conçoit la discipline comme le moyen de l'instruction, Neill défend l'idéal d'une école où l'enfant puisse librement exercer ses facultés et choisir selon ses penchants son objet d'étude. Cet enseignement à la carte, fait pour des élèves dont la spontanéité créatrice aurait été brisée par les contraintes des programmes d'institutions normatives, aurait trouvé, dans le centre de Summerhill, l'occasion d'une expérimentation inédite et réussie. Relatant de nombreux sauvetages pédagogiques, l'auteur ne prétend pas néanmoins universaliser un modèle d'éducation.
Paul Klein (Amazon.fr)

> Extrait : « Le rôle de l'enfant, c'est de vivre sa propre vie et non celle qu'envisagent ses parents anxieux, ni celle que proposent les éducateurs comme la meilleure. Une telle interférence ou orientation de la part de l'adulte ne peut que produire une génération de robots. »
  Joop-le-philosophe | Jan 25, 2019 |
This was all the rage when it came out - an alternative, liberated form of education. Looking back I have no idea what impact it really had. I certainly found it thought-provoking in the early 1970s. ( )
  jon1lambert | Oct 17, 2018 |
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» Lisää muita tekijöitä (29 mahdollista)

Tekijän nimiRooliTekijän tyyppiKoskeeko teosta?Tila
Neill, A. S.ensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Fromm, ErichEsipuhemuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Horstrup, PaulKääntäjämuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Schroeder, HermanKääntäjämuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu

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Katso lisäohjeita Common Knowledge -sivuilta (englanniksi).
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Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
Children of the future Age

Reading this indignant page,

Know that in a former time

Love! sweet Love! was thought a crime.

-- William Blake
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Kanoninen LCC

Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (2)

Originally published in 1960,Summerhillbecame an instant bestseller and a classic volume of education for an entire generation. Now, this thoroughly expanded and revised version of the originalSummerhillreinstates the revolutionary "free school" traditions begun by Summerhill's founder A.S. Neill. As American education lags behind the rest of the world, this new edition is more timely than ever. The children of today face struggles far greater than any previous generation and we, as parents and teachers, must teach them now to make choices for themselves and to learn from the outcome of their decisions. This classic work yet again invites a new view of childhood and presents an essential treatise that challenges us to rethink our approach to education.

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