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Black Hole Radio

Tekijä: Ann Birdgenaw

Sarjat: Black Hole Radio (1)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
522,989,274 (4.75)-
Do you believe in black holes, wormholes, wrinkles in time? Are you interested in space travel and alien encounters that lead to amazing adventures? If not, do not open this book. If yes, get ready for a fun-filled adventure to thrill your imagination. Fifth-graders Hawk and his best friend Matt are fascinated by outer space and its mysteries. They even have their very own space-club. Little do the boys know that they are about to get a closer look at other galaxies and universes beyond their wildest imaginations. A radio left behind by Hawk's grandfather opens a wormhole to outerspace - one through which the two fifth-graders are transported to a planetoid in a far-off galaxy. But can our heroes defeat the Boogers from Boogernaut and learn how to deal with their own bully at school? Stay tuned to Black Hole Radio!"Black Hole Radio also sucks readers in and doesn't let go until the story ends. The vivid descriptions will keep kids and adults entertained. [It] fuels the imagination, while also imparting an important message. It seems that even advanced intelligent alien races can be bullies and even enslave those living on other planets. Friendship, peace, and acceptance are the themes in Black Hole Radio [and] to always follow your passion and believe in yourself."--Entrada Publishing Review"… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
Black Hole Radio is fun and well-paced sci-fi read for kids who like chapter books. For those who aren’t sure about choosing from the sci-fi genre, it incorporates the right amount of sci-fi tech and terminology so you believe you’re on another planet but not too much that it takes you out of the story. And, it has just enough child-friendly slang and funny names to elicit snickers from young readers. Enjoy the journey! ( )
  AnniePettit | Mar 15, 2024 |
This imaginative sci-fi story takes 5th-graders Hawk and Matt on a fun adventure far across space via, of all things, an old radio.

Elements I liked:
I loved the premise of an old radio opening a wormhole to space. I would love to have discovered such a thing! The story’s descriptions are vivid, and the storytelling is entertaining and proceeds at a good pace. Elegantly and without getting preachy, the story imparts its messages of peace, friendship, and non-violent resolutions to conflict. The scattered illustrations perfectly fit and helped flesh out the descriptions of the aliens. The glossary of terms at the end is a great addition!

Elements I struggled with:
Just something I noticed…there’s a distinct scarcity of female characters in this story. As a female with a long-time interest in space and science, I remember being frustrated as a kid with the scarcity of female characters getting to be part of science/space adventures. This story might offer science-loving girls the same frustration. If the radio is involved in further adventures, perhaps some girls could also be involved.

This book seems well-suited to upper-elementary/middle-grade readers and younger. It’s an easy, fast read with lots of adventure and humor that many children will appreciate. An entertaining read!

(Read July 2021) ( )
  SLynnHelton | Jan 6, 2023 |
näyttää 2/2
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Do you believe in black holes, wormholes, wrinkles in time? Are you interested in space travel and alien encounters that lead to amazing adventures? If not, do not open this book. If yes, get ready for a fun-filled adventure to thrill your imagination. Fifth-graders Hawk and his best friend Matt are fascinated by outer space and its mysteries. They even have their very own space-club. Little do the boys know that they are about to get a closer look at other galaxies and universes beyond their wildest imaginations. A radio left behind by Hawk's grandfather opens a wormhole to outerspace - one through which the two fifth-graders are transported to a planetoid in a far-off galaxy. But can our heroes defeat the Boogers from Boogernaut and learn how to deal with their own bully at school? Stay tuned to Black Hole Radio!"Black Hole Radio also sucks readers in and doesn't let go until the story ends. The vivid descriptions will keep kids and adults entertained. [It] fuels the imagination, while also imparting an important message. It seems that even advanced intelligent alien races can be bullies and even enslave those living on other planets. Friendship, peace, and acceptance are the themes in Black Hole Radio [and] to always follow your passion and believe in yourself."--Entrada Publishing Review"

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