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Roll for Initiative

Tekijä: Jaime Formato

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
261897,901 (3.75)-
Twelve-year-old Riley steps out of her older brother's protective shadow and behind the Dungeon Master's screen, running D&D campaigns for her friends and learning to be independent and self-reliant.

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Roll for Initiative demonstrates how having confidence in oneself helps you to grow up and tackle new responsibilities.

Riley relies on her older brother. He taught her how to play dungeons and dragons, which she loves. He makes sure she has breakfast and gets everywhere she needs to be while their mom works many hours. Life always brings changes, and Devin now lives across the country attending an elite gaming program at a college. Riley feels so alone......until she meets Lucy. Lucy lives in the same building as Riley and, basically, bangs on her door asking why she doesn't like her. It takes Riley a moment to realize that she, herself, has been rude and mean. Riley completely misunderstood what was going on. They quickly become friends as Riley teaches Lucy how to create her own D & D character. Slowly other girls from school join their D & D adventure. Riley feels so nervous because she wants them to have a good time, but she's never been the Dungeon Master before. Devin may call and check on her frequently, but he seems to be too busy to help her.

Riley discovers that she can achieve without her brother. The girls have fun. They love their adventure together and begin rituals to make it even more fun. Riley's mom tells her to just have fun. She doesn't have to be like her brother. She's capable. Coincidentally enough, this group got together because of Riley's mom. She tells Riley to do the laundry, which she hasn't done and greatly fears the laundry room. Oh well, she still has to do it. It's here that the magic happens with the game. What else would one do while laundry is washing than play some D & D?

Of course, there are a few problems that crop up, but Riley finds her strength to achieve by having confidence in herself. She then expects others to have confidence as well and becomes a positive catalyst for others who are letting fear keep them from achieving. It's a lovely book about growing up, about helping one another, and about believing in oneself. ( )
  acargile | Aug 22, 2023 |
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Twelve-year-old Riley steps out of her older brother's protective shadow and behind the Dungeon Master's screen, running D&D campaigns for her friends and learning to be independent and self-reliant.

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