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The Warrior With Broken Wings

Tekijä: Thorsten Brandl

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
1631,315,951 (4.67)2
Thomas Knight is a professional photographer struggling to cope with the tragic death of his wife. Drawn into the heart of an ancient prophecy involving a legendary sword and a mysterious vintage camera, he suddenly finds himself transported to a medieval world beyond his imagination.The last of the Veroldian kingdoms is about to be destroyed by an unspeakable evil, and if they fall, Earth will be next. With the fate of two worlds at stake, Thomas embarks upon a perilous quest to oppose something believed to be unstoppable, guided only by a cryptic rhyme, a talking cat, a warrior princess, and her pop culture obsessed brother.Fast paced and full of surprises and quirky characters, The Warrior With Broken Wings is an epic tale that will make you believe in magic, redemption, and the power of destiny.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatkenji2005, JHemlock, Candina, sh3wolf, hadaverde, Faye99, MicheleK9

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näyttää 3/3
Just finished this book. It has taken me a few days to process it in order to write a review. First off…I enjoyed the Author’s other novel, The Palladium very much. With that being said it is hard to make up my mind on this one. I know how important reviews and honesty are with writers, especially new and young ones. The Warrior With Broken Wings is a strong story. The plot seems to hold up and the characters are well done. The pacing is tight and there is little or no filler. On the down side…to quote Stephen King. “The Road to Hell is Paved with Adverbs.” This hit me early on in the story. However there are sections of the story where it is strong enough to forget that every paragraph is loaded with unneeded adverbs and adjectives. In my mind I only partially put this on the author, as I recall his second book does not suffer from this. Another hit for me was the constant mention of “tears flowing down ….eyes”
Mr. Brandl has an incredible talent and is an above average story teller. The Plot of The Warrior With Broken Wings is solid. A simple man with a destiny to not only fight evil but convince others that doing so is a noble choice.
I LOVE some of the references in the book. Subtle shout outs to Army of Darkness, Manowar and…. Mr. Brandl you had me at IRON MAIDEN.
The Warrior With Broken Wings is a good story. Would I count Brandl a regular in my library? Without a doubt. Writers grow, they form and age with each page they write. I look forward to anything he releases in the future. ( )
1 ääni JHemlock | Aug 29, 2023 |
This book has so much heart. There were several times when I actually cried while reading it, which rarely happens. It starts out slowly, but keeps getting better with every page. The characters are so original, and there are so many hidden references to movies, music, and games. Definitely recommended if you're searching for a fun escape from reality for awhile. ( )
4 ääni Serenity17 | Nov 6, 2022 |
You know a book is good when you read it multiple times. Each time I’ve read this one I’ve enjoyed it as much as the first time if not more. I also find that I pick up on things that I missed the first time around.

It's such a unique story and it keeps you mesmerised from the first page. Not to mention it also makes you want to go on an adventure. The writing is brilliant and I often found myself playing the one more chapter game as well as highlighting so many quotes as I read.

The characters in this book are what really made it so awesome. I absolutely loved Ylja, Phoenix and Fafnera. For those wondering Phoenix is a talking cat with so much sass and sarcasm, Fafnera is a dragon who has the most incredible story and YIja is a total badass ninja princess that I will love forever. The main character Thomas was also very likeable and you wanted his story, you wanted him to succeed and you wanted him to live.

This book bought out so many different emotions from me while I was reading it. The romance part was so subtle and perfect and for someone who isn't big on romance I actually really enjoyed that aspect. I spent most of this book scared for what was going to happen to the main characters and wondering if they'd survive.

If you love a good fantasy read I definitely recommend checking this one out. ( )
4 ääni The_Thriller_Reader | Nov 4, 2022 |
näyttää 3/3
The Warrior With Broken Wings is a great work of fantasy, it has everything a good fantasy novel should have: talking animals, time travel, 80’s hits being blared from speakers during the big battle. If you’re seeking a unique fantasy this book is the one for you.
lisäsi ThorstenBrandl | muokkaaLiterary Titan (Jun 13, 2022)
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Thomas Knight is a professional photographer struggling to cope with the tragic death of his wife. Drawn into the heart of an ancient prophecy involving a legendary sword and a mysterious vintage camera, he suddenly finds himself transported to a medieval world beyond his imagination.The last of the Veroldian kingdoms is about to be destroyed by an unspeakable evil, and if they fall, Earth will be next. With the fate of two worlds at stake, Thomas embarks upon a perilous quest to oppose something believed to be unstoppable, guided only by a cryptic rhyme, a talking cat, a warrior princess, and her pop culture obsessed brother.Fast paced and full of surprises and quirky characters, The Warrior With Broken Wings is an epic tale that will make you believe in magic, redemption, and the power of destiny.

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4 1
4.5 2
5 8


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