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The Whitewash

Tekijä: Siang Lu

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912,001,573 (4)-
It sounded like a good idea at the time: A Hollywood spy thriller, starring, for the first time in history, an Asian male lead. With an estimated $350 million production budget and up-and-coming Hong Kong actor JK Jr, who, let's be honest, is not the sharpest tool in the shed, but probably the hottest, Brood Empire was basically a sure thing. Until it wasn't. So how did it all fall apart? There were smart guys involved. So smart, so woke. So woke it hurts. There was top-notch talent across the board and the financial backing of a heavyweight Chinese studio. And yet, Brood Empire is remembered now not as a historical landmark of Asian representation that smashed the bamboo ceiling in Hollywood, but rather as a fiasco of seismic proportions. The Whitewash is the definitive oral history of the whole sordid mess. Unofficial. Unasked for. Only intermittently fact-checked, and featuring a fool's gallery of actors, producers, directors, film historians and scummy click-bait journalists, to answer the question of how it all went so horribly, horribly wrong.… (lisätietoja)

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Are you a closet movie buff with a great sense of humour? If so, then Siang Lu’s satirical debut The Whitewash may well be the perfect antidote to your next glum mood.

I’ll admit, it took me a moment to get my head around all the different character names in this blackest of black comedies. Once I did though, the sly cleverness of the creator of the dark farce playing out before me shone through.

The scary truth is, the characters within Siang Lu’s creative literary narrative (presented in docu-style reality show format) are more often than not referencing genuine movie industry history. When the spotlight is directed its way, the movie industry machine across all nationalities basically skewers itself! There are footnotes aplenty (part of the comedic relief) plus an eight-page chapter-by-chapter film appendix.

Sure there is some profanity and lots of non-PG themes, but like any good satire The Whitewash also contains hard-hitting social commentary about identity, the meaning of success and the dark side of capitalism between the farce. Continue reading: https://www.bookloverbookreviews.com/2022/09/the-whitewash-siang-lu-review.html
  BookloverBookReviews | Sep 8, 2022 |
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It sounded like a good idea at the time: A Hollywood spy thriller, starring, for the first time in history, an Asian male lead. With an estimated $350 million production budget and up-and-coming Hong Kong actor JK Jr, who, let's be honest, is not the sharpest tool in the shed, but probably the hottest, Brood Empire was basically a sure thing. Until it wasn't. So how did it all fall apart? There were smart guys involved. So smart, so woke. So woke it hurts. There was top-notch talent across the board and the financial backing of a heavyweight Chinese studio. And yet, Brood Empire is remembered now not as a historical landmark of Asian representation that smashed the bamboo ceiling in Hollywood, but rather as a fiasco of seismic proportions. The Whitewash is the definitive oral history of the whole sordid mess. Unofficial. Unasked for. Only intermittently fact-checked, and featuring a fool's gallery of actors, producers, directors, film historians and scummy click-bait journalists, to answer the question of how it all went so horribly, horribly wrong.

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