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Uphill Both Ways: Hiking toward Happiness on the Colorado Trail

Tekijä: Andrea Lani

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
512,991,411 (3.5)-
Andrea Lani explores the complexities of hiking with a family after taking her three reluctant children and grouchy husband on a 489-mile trek from Denver to Durango, determined to reset her life and confront the history of environmental damage.

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This is one of the best trail books I've read just because it is well written and has lots of geographical and historical information as well as descriptions of the landscape and plants and animals they saw. I also enjoyed how the author told bits about the thru-hike of the Colorado Trail 20 years before throughout the book. It was interesting to read about family dynamics and how well her three boys did hiking the trail. I was less thrilled by the negative slant to the book which seemed to come mostly from her relationship with her husband. By the end of the book I was hoping they'd split up it seemed so fraught. Though I'd have enjoyed the book more if it had less negativity threaded through it, I still think it is the best trail book I've read about the CT and one of the best trail books about any long trail. My own experience of thru-hiking this trail twice is also full of negative experiences, but one hopes that the positive outweighs the struggle and I guess I was hoping for more daily positivity instead of just an end-of-the-book uplift.
  RebeccaTapestry | Dec 4, 2022 |
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Andrea Lani explores the complexities of hiking with a family after taking her three reluctant children and grouchy husband on a 489-mile trek from Denver to Durango, determined to reset her life and confront the history of environmental damage.

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Keskiarvo: (3.5)
3.5 1

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