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Wires and Nerve: The Graphic Novel Duology Boxed Set

Tekijä: Marissa Meyer

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2211,025,169 (4.5)-
Wires and Nerve: The Graphic Novel Duology Boxed Set collects the paperback editions of #1New York Times-bestselling author Marissa Meyer's graphic novels,Wires and NerveandWires and Nerve, Volume 2: Gone Rogue. A must-read for fans of Marissa Meyer's bestselling sci-fi Lunar Chronicles, these young adult graphic novels expand the futuristic fairy-tale universe of the original storyline to enchanting results. When a pack of powerful wolf-hybrid soldiers threaten to undo the alliance between Earth and Luna, the Lunar Queen Cinder's best friend and android, Iko, takes it upon herself to bring down the wolf pack leader, in this gripping, action-packed paperback duology. Praise for the Wires and Nerve series: "Builds to a satisfying ending for all characters involved." --VOYA,starred review, onWires and Nerve Volume 2: Gone Rogue "Holgate's dynamic, stylized artwork handily balances the story's action and humor while bringing Meyer's world to vivid life." --Publishers Weekly,on Wires and Nerve… (lisätietoja)

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After the events of Winter, Iko (everyone’s favorite android) is on a mission to round up all the rogue wolf hybrid Lunar soldiers on Earth. She’s really good at it but she still needs some help from friends, both old and new, along the way.

It’s no secret that I’m a big fan of The Lunar Chronicles (especially on audio), so when I stumbled on these books at the library, I had to bring them home.

Iko has always been sort of the comic relief of the series for me. Even if she isn’t truly being funny, she still provides lighter moments when the story gets too serious. It was nice to see her in full-on action heroine mode in this book–with her trademark humor intact, of course. In the second book, she deals with an identity crisis, which makes her feel all the more real to me.

I enjoyed checking in on our scrappy group of friends, even though I read Stars Above (which technically takes place after these graphic novels) years ago.

The artwork wasn’t my favorite, mostly because I would have preferred full color instead of shades of blue and orange. There may have been a reason for that choice, but if so, it went over my head. The illustrator changed between books but I personally didn’t notice any differences. I did enjoy seeing exactly how diverse this cast of characters is.

If you’re a fan of The Lunar Chronicles, I do recommend reading these graphic novels as a fun side story. There are substantial spoilers for the main series so they don’t stand alone. Also, have the second book nearby; the first one ends on a cliffhanger. ( )
  JG_IntrovertedReader | Apr 20, 2021 |
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Wires and Nerve: The Graphic Novel Duology Boxed Set collects the paperback editions of #1New York Times-bestselling author Marissa Meyer's graphic novels,Wires and NerveandWires and Nerve, Volume 2: Gone Rogue. A must-read for fans of Marissa Meyer's bestselling sci-fi Lunar Chronicles, these young adult graphic novels expand the futuristic fairy-tale universe of the original storyline to enchanting results. When a pack of powerful wolf-hybrid soldiers threaten to undo the alliance between Earth and Luna, the Lunar Queen Cinder's best friend and android, Iko, takes it upon herself to bring down the wolf pack leader, in this gripping, action-packed paperback duology. Praise for the Wires and Nerve series: "Builds to a satisfying ending for all characters involved." --VOYA,starred review, onWires and Nerve Volume 2: Gone Rogue "Holgate's dynamic, stylized artwork handily balances the story's action and humor while bringing Meyer's world to vivid life." --Publishers Weekly,on Wires and Nerve

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