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John Rattling-Gourd of Big Cove;: A collection of Cherokee Indian legends,

Tekijä: Corydon Bell

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
314,146,033 (3)-
Viimeisimmät tallentajatWendyNSmith, AbigailAdams26, quinn_in_sc

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Twenty-five traditional Cherokee legends are retold by Corydon Bell in this 1955 "tale within a tale" type narrative, dedicated to the "Cherokee Boys and Girls on the Qualla Reservation" - the current Qualla Boundary land trust, belonging to the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians of North Carolina. Using the framing device of a group of (then) contemporary Cherokee children, and their friendship with elder and storyteller Tsan Gan-se-ti (John Rattling-Gourd), who relates many stories - "what the old men told me as a boy" - to his young listeners, Bell creates an interesting dynamic in John Rattling-Gourd of Big Cove, one both intimate and engaging. The importance of storytelling in traditional Cherokee culture, and the mutual respect between young and old, is thereby communicated, along with the tales themselves.

Here the reader will encounter some old favorites, like the story of The Ball Game of the Birds and Animals - which has also been retold in picture-book format by Deborah L. Duvall and Murv Jacob - and The First Strawberries, also found in Joseph Bruchac's retelling. Other selections, like Flint Visits Rabbit, or How Turkey Got His Beard, may be unfamiliar. But whether they are animal fables, wonder tales, or creation myths - all of which are included - the stories themselves, and the accompanying illustrations, are entertaining.

I wish I knew more about Corydon Bell's relationship to the Cherokee - the jacket blurb says he was a "neighbor" to them - and whether he got these stories from traditional storytellers. The tone of this book, and the inclusion of many Cherokee words (there is a glossary at the rear), makes me suspect that he did. ( )
1 ääni AbigailAdams26 | Apr 30, 2013 |
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