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The Nazi Conspiracy: The Secret Plot to Kill Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill

Tekijä: Brad Meltzer

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2318118,169 (4.4)1
"From the New York Times bestselling authors of The First Conspiracy and The Lincoln Conspiracy, The Nazi Conspiracy tells the little-known true story of a Nazi plot to kill FDR, Joseph Stalin, and Winston Churchill at the height of the second World War. In 1943, as the war against Nazi Germany raged abroad, President Franklin Roosevelt wanted one thing: a face-to-face meeting with his allies Joseph Stalin and Winston Churchill. This meeting of the Big Three in Tehran, Iran, would decide some of the most crucial strategic details of the war. Yet when the Nazis found out about the meeting, their own secret plan took shape-an assassination plot that would've changed history. A true story filled with daring rescues, body doubles, and political intrigue, The Nazi Conspiracy details FDR's pivotal meeting in Tehran, and the deadly Nazi plot against the heads of state of the three major Allied powers who attended it. With all the hallmarks of a Brad Meltzer and Josh Mensch page-turner, The Nazi Conspiracy examines the great political minds of the 20th century, exploring the early years of the war in gripping detail. This meeting of The Big Three changed the course of World War II. Here's the inside story of how it all almost went terribly wrong"--… (lisätietoja)

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 8) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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  AbneyLibri | Jun 13, 2024 |
This is a fabulous non-fiction book about World War II that reads like a fiction book. Scott Brick was the narrator for this book, and his deep baritone voice was perfect for informing us of this little-known incident from World War II. Brad Meltzer wrote this book with Josh Mensch. A lot of research went into this book, and key players in the conspiracy to kill, Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill were thoroughly researched and described. I have read a lot of books, both fiction and non-fiction, about WWII, but there were a lot of things in this book that I did not know. For example, I did not know that Iran was an Allied forces stronghold, but there were a lot of German spies that operated from inside that country as well. The book begins in 1943, at the height of the war, and during the attempted Nazi takeover of Russia which is described in incredible detail in the book. The conspiracy plot outlined in this book was so well-researched and described, and with all the authentic spy craft and technology details from WWII, that it's like having a front row seat to all the action. It's all here, bugging, subterfuge, deliberate decoy techniques and the top secret machinations behind the scenes. All this combined with the storytelling abilities of Mr. Meltzer and Mr. Mensch make this a book that is very difficult to put down from start to finish. I loved every minute of the audio version that I listened to. Now, I need to read more of this duo's historical non-fiction. It is really addictive seeming to have a bird's-eye view of everything that went on with the world leaders and their spy networks and armies during this terrible war. Highly recommend. ( )
  Romonko | Jan 8, 2024 |
THE NAZI CONSPIRACY by Brad Meltzer and Josh Mensch
The plot to kill the three leaders of the United States, the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union at the Tehran Conference (World War II) was led by an untrained, unskilled and abandoned “spy” who had been sent to Tehran very early in the war. His only orders were to gather information and set up a “team” of Nazi sympathizers who might be called upon later. Then Russia entered the war on the Allied side and Franz Mayr was simply abandoned by his Nazi controllers until late in the war when Mayr was able to reestablish contact with the Nazi regime.
The Nazi Conspiracy was part history and part spy thriller. I discovered that Roosevelt and Stalin tried to cut Churchill out of one conference and Churchill and Roosevelt tried to keep Stalin out of another! Churchill was not enthusiastic about D-Day and Stalin wanted it to happen much earlier in the war. Meltzer was able to convey the differing personalities and needs of the three world leaders and a spy story along with a vast trove of back story in an entertaining and truthful way.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading The NAZI CONSPIRACY. I would recommend it to anyone interested in history or a thrilling spy story. Although Meltzer conveyed a vast amount of information, the book never lost my interest and seemed to follow a clear path to its conclusion.
5 of 5 stars ( )
  beckyhaase | Apr 11, 2023 |
An interesting book. The author stated that most of what he’s reporting is believed to be true, however, it’s not all been corroborated. However, still very interesting all the background that was going on around World War II with Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt. Lotta new interesting information I had not heard of before. And then the plot to take them down as a group very interesting as well, even though it only made up the last bit of the book ( )
  bermandog | Mar 19, 2023 |
The Nazi Conspiracy is an excellent book that was well researched. The book tries to answer the question whether or not there was a Nazi plan to murder the three leaders, Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill or was it a story that was made up to give Russia a good name even though Russia suffered the most in WWII. The book received five stars in this review. It is highly recommended. ( )
  lbswiener | Feb 3, 2023 |
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


"From the New York Times bestselling authors of The First Conspiracy and The Lincoln Conspiracy, The Nazi Conspiracy tells the little-known true story of a Nazi plot to kill FDR, Joseph Stalin, and Winston Churchill at the height of the second World War. In 1943, as the war against Nazi Germany raged abroad, President Franklin Roosevelt wanted one thing: a face-to-face meeting with his allies Joseph Stalin and Winston Churchill. This meeting of the Big Three in Tehran, Iran, would decide some of the most crucial strategic details of the war. Yet when the Nazis found out about the meeting, their own secret plan took shape-an assassination plot that would've changed history. A true story filled with daring rescues, body doubles, and political intrigue, The Nazi Conspiracy details FDR's pivotal meeting in Tehran, and the deadly Nazi plot against the heads of state of the three major Allied powers who attended it. With all the hallmarks of a Brad Meltzer and Josh Mensch page-turner, The Nazi Conspiracy examines the great political minds of the 20th century, exploring the early years of the war in gripping detail. This meeting of The Big Three changed the course of World War II. Here's the inside story of how it all almost went terribly wrong"--

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