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Frosted Yuletide Murder (Cupcake Catering Mystery Series)

Tekijä: Kim Davis

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215,290,560 (4)-
Set against the holiday cheer of twinkling lights, costumed carolers, and a festive line of extravagantly decorated boats participating in the annual Christmas boat parade in Newport Beach, California, cupcake caterer Emory Martinez finds that the grinch has crashed the party. Together with her sister Carrie, Emory is catering a delectable feast of holiday cupcakes and cookies aboard a luxury yacht for the new Mrs. Blair Villman and her guests. Sparks fly when Carrie comes face-to-face with the hostess, who just happens to be Carrie's high school frenemy, and old grievances are dredged up. Adding fuel to the fire, Blair's stepson brings his mother, the former Mrs. Villman, to the party. Instead of celebrating holiday cheer, someone seems intent on channeling the Burgermeister Meisterburger and shutting down Blair's party permanently. When Emory finds a body aboard the yacht, she needs to discover who iced the victim before the Scrooge ruins not only her livelihood but her freedom as well.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatvernellp1, joannefm2

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Emory Martinez makes the desserts -- especially indulgent cupcakes -- for her sister Carrie's catering company, and also for Oceana, her boyfriend Brian's upscale restaurant. When catering an unknown client's Christmas party aboard a yacht, it's soon discovered that the client, Blair Villman, is an old high school enemy of Carrie's. While Carrie wouldn't have accepted the job if she'd known, they are already in process and determined to do a good job. But it's difficult when Blair finds out who the caterer is, and begins vilifying both Carrie and her food to anyone who will listen, making Emory angry. It doesn't help when the chief steward, Martha Chao, is harassing them at every turn.

Then there's a public fight between Blair and her elderly husband's son, Johnathan Jr., and it's becoming apparent that no one really cares for Blair. On top of this, Emory and Carrier are going to meet their long-lost half-sister, Vanessa, which has them both excited and anxious. But before they can do so, Emory finds a body in the freezer on the yacht, and once again she's drawn into a murder investigation...one that makes her a top suspect. Now she has to clear her name before she can enjoy her holiday -- if she can stay out of prison for murder...

This is the fourth book in the series and I have read them all. It was a truly enjoyable read, and very entertaining. While not a lot was centered on Christmas, there was enough throughout to make one aware of the holiday. It was more or less centered on the murder, which it should be. The clues were scattered, but I more or less figured out the murderer early on; no big feat as I read a lot of mysteries and it's really never difficult for me anyway.

I liked the way the mystery was played out, and also that we get a glimpse once again into the life of Emory, but not so much as it overpowered the mystery. The story was written well, and the ending was worth waiting for. I hope to see that there is another book in this series coming soon, and I do like them quite a bit. Recommended. ( )
  joannefm2 | Feb 8, 2022 |
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Set against the holiday cheer of twinkling lights, costumed carolers, and a festive line of extravagantly decorated boats participating in the annual Christmas boat parade in Newport Beach, California, cupcake caterer Emory Martinez finds that the grinch has crashed the party. Together with her sister Carrie, Emory is catering a delectable feast of holiday cupcakes and cookies aboard a luxury yacht for the new Mrs. Blair Villman and her guests. Sparks fly when Carrie comes face-to-face with the hostess, who just happens to be Carrie's high school frenemy, and old grievances are dredged up. Adding fuel to the fire, Blair's stepson brings his mother, the former Mrs. Villman, to the party. Instead of celebrating holiday cheer, someone seems intent on channeling the Burgermeister Meisterburger and shutting down Blair's party permanently. When Emory finds a body aboard the yacht, she needs to discover who iced the victim before the Scrooge ruins not only her livelihood but her freedom as well.

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