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Alphabet A-Z (Disney's Fun-to-Read Library, Vol. 1) (1983)

Tekijä: Walt Disney Productions

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509348,543 (4)1
An easy alphabet book.

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näyttää 2/2
Disney's version of an alphabet book is a great one! It teaches the letters of the alphabet, while associating them through language and illustrations with words and names that children are familiar with because of the ever-so-popular Disney series. For example: "A is for Alice |(in Wonderland), Ape-king Louie (The Jungle Book), and an Angry Alligator (Peter Pan). The children will be able to see the repetition of the letter on each page, as well as recognize the names of the items illustrated that all start with that same letter. The illustrations are very colorful and well made and this will help keep the chidlren focused and interested while learning. This is a story that I would definitely use both at home and in a classroom setting for chidlren in preschool to kindergarten (and grade one possibly if I found my class still needed more practice with the alphabet), so ages 3-6.

Themes: Alphabet, learning, vocabulary
  kwandler | Dec 2, 2010 |
Mickey Mouse and all of his friends introduce young readers to the alphabet. Each letter features words that begin with that letter, complete with the colorful illustrations you expect from Disney. -- www.thriftbooks.com
  EKiddieKollege | Aug 16, 2020 |
näyttää 2/2
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An easy alphabet book.

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