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Dark Light

Tekijä: Jodi Taylor

Sarjat: Elizabeth Cage (2)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
845323,257 (3.96)4
Betrayed, terrified and alone, Elizabeth Cage has fled her home. With no plan and no friends, she arrives at the picturesque village of Greystones and finds herself involved in an ages-old ceremony that will end in death. And that might be the least of her problems. The Sorensen Institute would very much like to know her whereabouts, and Michael Jones is still out there, somewhere, she hopes. No matter how far and how fast she can run, trouble will always find Elizabeth Cage.… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 4 mainintaa

näyttää 5/5

A lot of unexpected developments, and a lot of fun. ( )
  AnneMarieMcD | Jan 16, 2024 |
I wasn't sure where this one was going but all linked up and became clearer by end. I don't know why I worried. ( )
  beentsy | Aug 12, 2023 |
2.5 really. There were two star parts of this book and at times I thought I didn't want to continue, but by the end I was liking it. I might read another, sometime. Maybe. I do enjoy the narration. ( )
  daaft | Aug 13, 2022 |
In the inaugural novel in this series, White Silence, we learned that the protagonist Elizabeth Cage has also been able to see auras or color emanations ebbing and flowing around people. From these auras, she can discern the person's character, what they know, and their truthfulness. After her experiences in the previous novel, dispondent and unsure who to trust, she flees her home and finds haven in the bucolic Greyston located off of the beaten path. However, soon she learns that the town is run by a matriarchial trio known as the Three Sisters, who maintains their power through an annual blood ritual involving a male who stumbled on their community the previous year. She also learns that she has been chosen to replace one of the Three Sisters and become impregnated by the next male to be killed the next year. Like the Eagles, Hotel California, she finds that she can not leave.

As a fan of Jodi Taylor's St. Mary's Chronicles, I'm glad that this series is similarly enjoyable. Although I believe that the other series' protagonist, "Max", is a more self-assured character, Elizabeth Cage is growing in this series. She is continuing to discover other paranormal abilities as the series continue. There is a romance similar to one in the first series. Additionally, Elizabeth Cage seems to find trouble as frequently as Max. Jodi Taylor even plays homage to her previous series by describing Elzabeth Cage's adventures as "one damn thing after another", which is the title of the first novel in the St. Mary's Chronicles. These series won't be classics in the future, but they are enjoyable quick reads. ( )
  John_Warner | May 28, 2021 |
Absolutely fucking brilliant! I adore this novel. I adore this series so much, I bought this ebook! And I adore the author, Jodi Taylor. I might even love this series a little bit more than the Chronicles of St. Mary’s...! Also the characters are perfectly written, and keep bringing me back for more.
Please read this novel soon. But make sure you read the first novel in the series first, called White Silence!

5 huge stars, and recommended to all my friends and strangers alike. ( )
  stephanie_M | Apr 30, 2020 |
näyttää 5/5
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Betrayed, terrified and alone, Elizabeth Cage has fled her home. With no plan and no friends, she arrives at the picturesque village of Greystones and finds herself involved in an ages-old ceremony that will end in death. And that might be the least of her problems. The Sorensen Institute would very much like to know her whereabouts, and Michael Jones is still out there, somewhere, she hopes. No matter how far and how fast she can run, trouble will always find Elizabeth Cage.

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