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A Novel Obsession

Tekijä: Caitlin Barasch

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
998276,561 (3.23)-
"Twenty-four-year-old bookseller and Manhattanite Naomi Ackerman is determined to write a novel-to prove the believers right and the disbelievers wrong (though she finds herself falling into both camps, depending on the day). When, after years of disastrous Tinder dates, she meets Caleb-a perfectly nice guy with a Welsh accent, a non-pretentious job, and a unique patience for all of her quirks-she feels she's finally found something to write about: the newness of love. But then, Rosemary enters the scene. When Naomi learns that Rosemary, Caleb's ex-girlfriend, is not safely tucked away overseas as she'd assumed but in fact lives in New York and works in the literary world, she is fundamentally threatened and intrigued in equal measure-if they both fell for the same man, they must have something essential in common, right? And is Rosemary the jilted ex who led Caleb to his true match, Naomi, or is it Naomi who is simply a bump in the road before Caleb and Rosemary find their way back together? Naomi is determined to find out how their stories intertwine... She is a writer after all. But when Naomi's casual Instagram stalking morphs into a full-blown friendship under false pretenses, she can't seem to get herself to quit Rosemary, in whom she finds an unexpected confidant-and she can't stop writing about her either, now having found the real perfect subject for her nascent novel. As things spiral out of her control, and fact and fiction become increasingly hard to separate, Naomi manipulates the most important people in her life in pursuit of her craft-her family, her friends, Caleb, Rosemary, and, perhaps most devastatingly, herself-until she's finally forced to decide who and what she's willing to sacrifice to write them all the perfect ending"--… (lisätietoja)

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 8) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
As an avid book obsessed reader, I love books about books. I was excited to receive this copy from Dutton books from a debut author. Thank you!

This book gave me fatal attraction vibes with a bookworm twist.

The protagonist Naomi, is an aspiring writer and hasn’t had positive relationships with men prior to meeting Caleb on Tinder. He took a shine to her and he bacame her boyfriend. Her overly anxious mind couldn’t relate to what he seen in her and she decided to write a novel about this to see if she could find the answers to love.

Befriended his ex girlfriend she thought would make an excellent plot to her novel and it’s often easier to write about situations drawn from experience.

This was a very interesting take on how a writers real life and the fictional character in her book becomes a frightening psychosis.

( )
  GeauxGetLit | May 27, 2023 |
A captivating exploration of the consequences of lies and deception. Naomi Ackerman, a young bookseller, becomes obsessed with Rosemary, the ex-girlfriend of the man she is dating. As Naomi's curiosity about Rosemary grows, she begins stalking her on Instagram and eventually befriends her under false pretenses. The tension in the novel builds as Naomi's lies become more elaborate and her grasp on reality becomes increasingly tenuous. As the line between fact and fiction blurs, Naomi must confront the consequences of her actions and decide whether the novel she is writing is worth sacrificing her integrity and relationships for. ( )
  Cam_Torrens | Mar 19, 2023 |
I liked it! I could relate with Naomi on a few levels… not that extreme but I understand the lure, curiosity, and toxicity of your boyfriends ex’s. I’m glad I grew out of that insecurity tho. ( )
  aliciapinto | Jan 23, 2023 |
The author paints a rounded portrait of the protagonist as she goes down an anxiety-inducing descent. What begins as standard social media snooping becomes a terrifying, page-turning mess of dramatic irony. Naomi is so deeply insecure that she ruins her own chance at love. ( )
  sassalin | Sep 5, 2022 |
I couldn’t read any more. DNF at 96 pages, about a third of the book. I didn’t like the main character, Naomi, and while the premise sounded interesting, I felt more and more uncomfortable reading this book. Lies, half-truths, deceit, sneakiness and an unhealthy obsession – plus too much gratuitous sex for me. The more I read of this novel, the more I realized it wasn’t going to get better. Moving on to tackle my huge TBR list. ( )
  PhyllisReads | May 10, 2022 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 8) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


"Twenty-four-year-old bookseller and Manhattanite Naomi Ackerman is determined to write a novel-to prove the believers right and the disbelievers wrong (though she finds herself falling into both camps, depending on the day). When, after years of disastrous Tinder dates, she meets Caleb-a perfectly nice guy with a Welsh accent, a non-pretentious job, and a unique patience for all of her quirks-she feels she's finally found something to write about: the newness of love. But then, Rosemary enters the scene. When Naomi learns that Rosemary, Caleb's ex-girlfriend, is not safely tucked away overseas as she'd assumed but in fact lives in New York and works in the literary world, she is fundamentally threatened and intrigued in equal measure-if they both fell for the same man, they must have something essential in common, right? And is Rosemary the jilted ex who led Caleb to his true match, Naomi, or is it Naomi who is simply a bump in the road before Caleb and Rosemary find their way back together? Naomi is determined to find out how their stories intertwine... She is a writer after all. But when Naomi's casual Instagram stalking morphs into a full-blown friendship under false pretenses, she can't seem to get herself to quit Rosemary, in whom she finds an unexpected confidant-and she can't stop writing about her either, now having found the real perfect subject for her nascent novel. As things spiral out of her control, and fact and fiction become increasingly hard to separate, Naomi manipulates the most important people in her life in pursuit of her craft-her family, her friends, Caleb, Rosemary, and, perhaps most devastatingly, herself-until she's finally forced to decide who and what she's willing to sacrifice to write them all the perfect ending"--

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