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The End of the World Is Flat

Tekijä: Simon Edge

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
1931,150,924 (4.21)1
Mel Winterbourne's modest map-making charity, the Orange Peel Foundation, has achieved all its aims and she's ready to shut it down. But glamorous tech billionaire Joey Talavera has other ideas. He hijacks the foundation for his own purpose: to convince the world that the earth is flat. Using the dark arts of social media at his new master's behest, Mel's ruthless young successor, Shane Foxley, turns science on its head. He persuades gullible online zealots that old-style 'globularism' is hateful. Teachers and airline pilots face ruin if they reject the new 'True Earth' orthodoxy. Can Mel and her fellow heretics - vilified as 'True-Earth Rejecting Globularists' (Tergs) - thwart Orange Peel before insanity takes over? Might the solution to the problem lie in the 15th century?… (lisätietoja)
  1. 00
    U.S.!: Songs and Stories (tekijä: Chris Bachelder) (Aug3Zimm)
    Aug3Zimm: Similar style of cynically amusing satire
  2. 00
    Columbus (tekijä: Edgar Parin d'Aulaire) (themulhern)
    themulhern: A book written not so long ago that perpetuates the Washington Irving myth.
  3. 00
    The life and voyages of Christopher Columbus (tekijä: Washington Irving) (themulhern)
    themulhern: The genesis of the Columbus myth.
  4. 00
    Flat Earth: The History of an Infamous Idea (tekijä: Christine Garwood) (themulhern)
    themulhern: Mentioned in the afterword.
  5. 00
    Seveneves (tekijä: Neal Stephenson) (themulhern)
    themulhern: Thinly disguised contemporary figures appear in both books (with modifications, of course).

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» Katso myös 1 maininta

näyttää 3/3
Lightweight satire of the English variety on a very serious topic. All is resolved neatly at the end, but there is a sequel. The characters in the book have real world analogues which are probably much easier for an English reader to recognize.

I think we are experiencing a cycle of history; extraordinary new achievements in science result in a freakishly credulous public. Think of the fairy hoax that took in much of Victorian England as well as mesmerism, etc. And intimidation by label is a weirdly powerful weapon right now; call someone a "racist" for saying most people have ten toes and they will stop asserting their belief in public. A few will remove a toe, just to be on the safe side.

I have been wondering for a while why I grew up believing that everybody thought the earth was flat until 1492 and this book helpfully explains that it is due to a biography of Columbus written by Washington Irving in the early 1800s. A really powerful myth, that.

The surreal Twitter/X dialogues scattered throughout the book are painfully hilarious. ( )
  themulhern | Mar 24, 2024 |
Probably a 3.75, but not a 4. This is a funny, thought-provoking spoof of one of the reality denying ideologies which seems to currently have traction amongst the self-declared 'progressives' of the West. It's a good and amusing parody, but doesn't manage to be quite as mad as real life? It also, out of necessity simplifies what is going on and comes to a far neater solution to end this madness than I think actually we'll get. All in all a good read. ( )
  malcrf | Sep 1, 2023 |
An allegorical tale about a fantastic (not in the sense of being good) idea that takes over the world, thanks to a relentless online campaign. A billionaire uses cash to capture a reputable charity and turns it into a propaganda machine to push his own version of reality - a flat earth. It is easy to see traces of more than one current movement in this story, but the obvious parallels are with trans activism...intentionally so. I do feel like the conclusion is not satisfying; it feels like the author reached a point, didn't know what to do, so he gave it more of an anticlimax than a climax. Seeking the easy solution was not a great way to end this book. Otherwise, it was a satisfying and worthwhile novel. ( )
1 ääni Devil_llama | Aug 14, 2023 |
näyttää 3/3
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Mel Winterbourne's modest map-making charity, the Orange Peel Foundation, has achieved all its aims and she's ready to shut it down. But glamorous tech billionaire Joey Talavera has other ideas. He hijacks the foundation for his own purpose: to convince the world that the earth is flat. Using the dark arts of social media at his new master's behest, Mel's ruthless young successor, Shane Foxley, turns science on its head. He persuades gullible online zealots that old-style 'globularism' is hateful. Teachers and airline pilots face ruin if they reject the new 'True Earth' orthodoxy. Can Mel and her fellow heretics - vilified as 'True-Earth Rejecting Globularists' (Tergs) - thwart Orange Peel before insanity takes over? Might the solution to the problem lie in the 15th century?

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