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Gently Heartbroken

Tekijä: Alan Hunter

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
215,295,672 (2.5)-
The burning of a light aircraft in a lonely field in Scotland and the daring kidnap of French industrialist Hugo Barentin are, on the face of it, two unconnected incidents. But there is a tenuous link: the mysterious Gabrielle Orbec has suddenly checked out of her home and disappeared. Chief Superintendent Gently, shortly back from France himself, is called on again as events from the 'Hornfleur Affair' are thrown into a new, and painful, relief. Is Gabrielle still involved? And, if she is, will Gently be quick enough to beat her to the showdown and to deflect his colleague, Empton, from precipitating a bloodbath? With no time to spare Gently pits himself against the hooligans on both sides of the law, and against a woman determined to sacrifice herself to save a man who was kind to her and to salvage her conscience.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatalanteder, Robert3167

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Gently vs the Kidnappers
Review of the Constable Kindle eBook edition (2016) of the Walker Mystery hardcover original (1981).

Gently rose. He picked Empton off the chair. He struck him in the stomach, then struck him in the face. Empton went down. He got up, sprang at Gently. Gently struck him again. Empton stayed down.
‘You bastard!’ Empton gasped. ‘That was before witnesses.’
‘What witnesses?’ Guthrie said. ‘I didn’t see anything.’
‘The Frog saw it!’
‘Monsieur,’ Frénaye said, ‘by chance, I was looking out of this window.’

[2.5 rounded up]
Gently Heartbroken follows almost directly on from Gently Under Fire (Gently #26 - 1980) starting with Gently trying to reconnect with his lost French love Gabrielle. Associates of the terrorist in the previous book kidnap a prominent French figure and fly into Scotland and the chase is on. Soon the Scots police and MI-5 are involved and then Gently's French policeman friend Frénaye appears on the scene as well. Frénaye appears to have an inside track to trace the kidnappers. Could it be that Gabrielle is somehow involved as well? Gently will leave no stone unturned to solve the case and attempt to rekindle his romance.

See cover at https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/...
The dust cover of the original UK hardcover published by Walker Mysteries in 1981. Image sourced from Goodreads.

As with the previous book, Gently Heartbroken is written as a suspense thriller rather than a murder investigation. Again the running theme of 'Gently' titles was broken with the book originally titled The Scottish Decision to follow The Honfleur Decision. This has been corrected in the later reprints. The changes are further signs that author Alan Hunter was attempting to introduce different styles and elements to add variety to his long-running series. I preferred the omniscient detective Gently over the love-struck and desperate terrorist hunter Gently though.

Trivia and Link
Gently Heartbroken was not adapted for the Inspector George Gently TV series (2007-2017). Very few of the TV episodes are based on the original books and the characters are quite different, e.g. Sgt Bacchus does not appear in the books. The timeline for the TV series takes place in the 1960s only. ( )
  alanteder | Jul 28, 2023 |
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The burning of a light aircraft in a lonely field in Scotland and the daring kidnap of French industrialist Hugo Barentin are, on the face of it, two unconnected incidents. But there is a tenuous link: the mysterious Gabrielle Orbec has suddenly checked out of her home and disappeared. Chief Superintendent Gently, shortly back from France himself, is called on again as events from the 'Hornfleur Affair' are thrown into a new, and painful, relief. Is Gabrielle still involved? And, if she is, will Gently be quick enough to beat her to the showdown and to deflect his colleague, Empton, from precipitating a bloodbath? With no time to spare Gently pits himself against the hooligans on both sides of the law, and against a woman determined to sacrifice herself to save a man who was kind to her and to salvage her conscience.

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