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Here If You Need Me: A True Story

Tekijä: Kate Braestrup

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
9865321,395 (4.08)39
Biography & Autobiography. Family & Relationships. New Age. Nonfiction. HTML:

Ten years ago, Kate Braestrup and her husband Drew were enjoying the life they shared together. They had four young children, and Drew, a Maine state trooper, would soon begin training to become a minister as well. Then early one morning Drew left for work and everything changed. On the very roads that he protected every day, an oncoming driver lost control, and Kate lost her husband.
Stunned and grieving, Kate decided to continue her husband's dream and became a minister herself. And in that capacity she found a most unusual mission: serving as the minister on search and rescue missions in the Maine woods, giving comfort to people whose loved ones are missing, and to the wardens who sometimes have to deal with awful outcomes. Whether she is with the parents of a 6-year-old girl who had wandered into the woods, with wardens as they search for a snowmobile rider trapped under the ice, or assisting a man whose sister left an infant seat and a suicide note in her car by the side of the road, Braestrup provides solace, understanding, and spiritual guidance when it's needed most.
Here if You Need Me is the story of Kate Braestrup's remarkable journey from grief to faith to happiness. It is dramatic, funny, deeply moving, and simply unforgettable, an uplifting account about finding God through helping others, and the tale of the small miracles that occur every day when life and love are restored.

.… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 39 mainintaa

Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 53) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
3.5 - I adored the author's story on The Moth. This slim volume was not quite as good, but it was a quick, moving read. ( )
  CarolHicksCase | Mar 12, 2023 |
I read this a long time ago, but really, really liked it. She is a very good writer and interesting (to me) thinker. Didn't like her third book as much as the first two. ( )
  CaitlinMcC | Jul 11, 2021 |
rabck from ValPete; interesting bio. Kate's husband, a Maine state policeman, is killed in a car crash. He was considering going to seminary, and Kate decides to fulfill his wish and go to seminary herself, later taking a job as a chaplain with the Maine Game Warden service, bringing spiritual guidance and listening to the wardens and the families that the wardens interact with on search and rescues. And no - she doesn't get to bless the moose! ( )
  nancynova | May 22, 2019 |
At first, I thought the book was about law enforcement officers and the journey of what they find in remote places. Quickly consuming every page, I just couldn't put it down! The writings of this brilliant author are superb and satisfying to the listening ear. It's Kate's story of life and death, loss and restoration. The word crafting is monumental and universal. One can relate to grieving the loss of a family member and then immediately chuckle with remembering the up and down journey of raising four children while holding down a full-time job. I have been to Thomaston, Maine and have found the pacing of this story moves you to visualize the deep blues and greens of such breath-taking environmental scenes. When your mind, heart, and soul find rest within the pages, perhaps you'll hear the call of the loons comforting you with Kate's perspective and wisdom on God's sovereignty and ones surrender to life's difficult questions like, "Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?" My favorite line, "A miracle is not defined by an event. A miracle is defined by gratitude." ( )
  LadyD_Books | Oct 11, 2018 |
I honestly did not want this book to end. I think that is because each story put me in contact with love. The book is packed with love. There is intense sorrow and joy and lots of humor. Braestrup writes descriptions that seem to bring me right into the scenes with many surprising bit that are exactly how things really are, but are just not expected to be seen in writing. She has experienced a lot that is so interesting and meaningful. She writes these stories so incredibly well. She puts things together making a whole of all the parts. She seems to have a habit of looking for the love in situations and she shares that in this book in such a wonderfully readable and understandable way. I'll read this one again for sure. ( )
  ajlewis2 | Jul 11, 2018 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 53) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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A six-year-old girl has wandered off from a family picnic near Masquinongy Pond, and she remains missing after a long day of waiting.
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Biography & Autobiography. Family & Relationships. New Age. Nonfiction. HTML:

Ten years ago, Kate Braestrup and her husband Drew were enjoying the life they shared together. They had four young children, and Drew, a Maine state trooper, would soon begin training to become a minister as well. Then early one morning Drew left for work and everything changed. On the very roads that he protected every day, an oncoming driver lost control, and Kate lost her husband.
Stunned and grieving, Kate decided to continue her husband's dream and became a minister herself. And in that capacity she found a most unusual mission: serving as the minister on search and rescue missions in the Maine woods, giving comfort to people whose loved ones are missing, and to the wardens who sometimes have to deal with awful outcomes. Whether she is with the parents of a 6-year-old girl who had wandered into the woods, with wardens as they search for a snowmobile rider trapped under the ice, or assisting a man whose sister left an infant seat and a suicide note in her car by the side of the road, Braestrup provides solace, understanding, and spiritual guidance when it's needed most.
Here if You Need Me is the story of Kate Braestrup's remarkable journey from grief to faith to happiness. It is dramatic, funny, deeply moving, and simply unforgettable, an uplifting account about finding God through helping others, and the tale of the small miracles that occur every day when life and love are restored.


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Keskiarvo: (4.08)
1 2
1.5 1
2 4
2.5 2
3 34
3.5 14
4 90
4.5 8
5 74

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