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Master of Furies

Tekijä: Raymond E. Feist

Sarjat: The Firemane Saga (3)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
1574175,373 (3.17)3
War has swept across Marquensas. Ruthless raiders have massacred the inhabitants of Beran's Hill, including Gwen, the beloved wife of Declan Smith. Hollow of heart, his hopes burned to ashes, Declan swears to track down and destroy the raiders, an ambition shared by Baron Daylon Dumarch, whose family was massacred as they fled the capital. Meanwhile Hava, whose gift for piracy has seen her acquire the treasure ship Borzon's Black Wake and the swift Azhante sailing vessel, Queen of Storms, and won her the name of 'the Sea Demon', is closing in on the whereabouts of those who unleashed the murderous hordes. Her husband, Hatushaly, the last remaining member of the ruling family of Ithrace, the legendary Firemanes, seeks to control the magical powers he has inherited. He is able now to visualise and even travel among the filaments of energies that power all existence: the furies. But will he be able to channel his magic in time to combat the deepest, darkest threat the world of Garn has ever faced?… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 4/4
Very enjoyable. Nice tie-ins at the end, the very last couple of pages made me smile. The man can still tell a story. And the news that a new three book series set back in Midkemia is coming next year is incredibly exciting. ( )
  BooksForDinner | Aug 26, 2023 |
This series has definitely been a saga. But unfortunately, it ended on a low note. The drive to make everything bigger and bolder diminished the climax and disappointed me. ( )
  RsReading | Nov 7, 2022 |

A really limp ending for many of the threads built through the first two books. The Sisters of the Deep could've been cool, The Pridelords could have been cool, but it's all basically waved away for Hatu's set-up at the end.

Especially the Sisters of the Deep. The *entire* Donte/SotD storyline was completely pointless. Towards the end of the book Hatu says "Oh! Water Magic! I have a score to settle!" zooms his vision down the sisters of the deep.... and they're already dead. No explanation. Guess that solves the issue of them using Donte to kill his best friend... which is a thing we've actually build towards that just doesn't come up.

There were some cool moments but even as a standalone i'd say it's the worst of the trilogy and as a conclusion it's an abhorrent misstep.

The ending connects itself to Feist's Riftwar series and i'm assuming sets up another trilogy. I haven't previously read anything Riftwar and i don't plan on doing so. ( )
  Yeti21 | Jul 23, 2022 |
The plot really starts to come together in this 3rd book of the Firemane saga. Hava, Hatu, Declan and the baron are all bent on having revenge on the Pride Lords who have ravaged their country and killed their friends and family. Hatu continues to develop his powers while the others also progress in skills and expertise. Hava is now known as the feared 'Sea Demon', queen of privateers. Some familiar characters from Feist's Midkemia books also appear, making it clear that while this is a different world, it still exists in the same universe. ( )
  Karlstar | Jul 16, 2022 |
näyttää 4/4
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Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
To all the First Responders, everywhere, who put themselves in harm's way, to protect us all. To people whose names I'll never know, and especially to those who made the ultimate sacrifice, this work is dedicated to you

And once more for my daughter, Jessica, who is not only a lovely person, but a terrific first reader.
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Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
Toachipe, the Hour Marker of Akena, struck the marble floor twice, and the door guards opened the massive ornately carved portal to the Camera, allowing entrance to the Lord of the Golden Pride
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


War has swept across Marquensas. Ruthless raiders have massacred the inhabitants of Beran's Hill, including Gwen, the beloved wife of Declan Smith. Hollow of heart, his hopes burned to ashes, Declan swears to track down and destroy the raiders, an ambition shared by Baron Daylon Dumarch, whose family was massacred as they fled the capital. Meanwhile Hava, whose gift for piracy has seen her acquire the treasure ship Borzon's Black Wake and the swift Azhante sailing vessel, Queen of Storms, and won her the name of 'the Sea Demon', is closing in on the whereabouts of those who unleashed the murderous hordes. Her husband, Hatushaly, the last remaining member of the ruling family of Ithrace, the legendary Firemanes, seeks to control the magical powers he has inherited. He is able now to visualise and even travel among the filaments of energies that power all existence: the furies. But will he be able to channel his magic in time to combat the deepest, darkest threat the world of Garn has ever faced?

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