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The Ex-Husband

Tekijä: Karen Hamilton

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
7710350,000 (3.75)-
Fiction. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:From international bestselling author Karen Hamilton comes another pulse-pounding domestic thriller set against a lush, tropical backdrop as a woman fleeing her past as a con artist finds herself trapped aboard a cruise ship with someone who not only knows about that past, but will stop at nothing to get revenge.
It's an offer she can't refuse...and might not survive.
Charlotte has an unsavory past, but she's on the straight and narrow these days. She was so young thenâ??she married the wrong man, falling for Sam's sweet-talking charm and charisma, and got caught up in his con artist games.
If only she'd left him before things went too far.
Now Sam is missing. But before he disappeared, he left urgent, cryptic messages about someone threatening himâ??someone who has been threatening Charlotte, too.
So Charlotte takes a job as a personal assistant for an engagement party aboard a private luxury cruise ship, the Cleobella, to get far away from anyone who means her harm.
But as the Cleobella sails through its glittering destinations, increasingly sinister events haunt the guests, and the turquoise waves and sun-drenched beaches give way to something darker. Someone knows what Charlotte did. Is it the blushing bride? The seemingly placid mother-in-law? Or the mysterious heiress?
Someone knows, and someone wants revengeâ??before the ship reaches its final por
… (lisätietoja)

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 10) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
3.5 - 4 Stars ( )
  JCGirl | Feb 13, 2022 |
3.5 - 4 Stars ( )
  JCGirl | Feb 13, 2022 |
This is the 2nd con man book I have read in 2 days! I didn't realize that before I read it, but what a coincidence! In this book, Sam and Charlotte meet while Charlotte is on a cruise for work. Sam works as a croupier in the casino on board. He woos Charlotte and wins her over. Later, they are married, and work all sorts of cons on people on the ship. But, later, Charlotte wants out, especially after Sam left her to take the fall for something he took.
The book opens with that scene, and then provides you the back story of what Sam and Charlotte did. Now, Sam is trying to reach Charlotte, texting her but not replying when she responds. She is hesitant to get involved with him again. When Charlotte realizes she is being threatened, she decides to take another job, this time on a yacht, to try to find Sam or the person who is after her.
A twisty thriller. Lots of characters, though, perhaps too many. ( )
  rmarcin | Feb 12, 2022 |
This is a very good psychological thriller. Charlotte and her husband become con artists. This book takes you on a roller coaster ride as to what happens to Charlottes estranged husband. This goes from past to present many times. I liked Charlotte but I did not love her. It is fun to see Charlotte losing control at times before the end. This is a pretty good book. I received a copy of this book from Harlequin for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will. ( )
  Virginia51 | Jan 22, 2022 |
January seems to be the month for domestic thrillers about shady husbands (I read Kimberly Belle's My Darling Husband last week). Karen Hamilton's twisty novel, The Ex-Husband, takes the reader through the relationship between Sam, a charming cruise ship croupier and grifter/con man and Charlotte, the woman who becomes entranced with Sam and his exciting and dangerous lifestyle.

The novel opens up in the present day with Charlotte, now separated from Sam and building an events planning business in Cornwall, England. When she gets word that Sam has disappeared and feared dead, Charlotte thinks it is just another one of Sam's cons.

The story then moves back in time. We see how Sam swept Charlotte off her feet when they both worked on a cruise ship. Charlotte became a willing participant in Sam's cons, believing Sam when he tells her that the people they are stealing from are not victims. Those people have more than enough money, they will never miss what Sam and Charlotte are taking from them.

At first, it was exciting, and Charlotte enjoyed the gifts Sam lavished on her. But soon, Charlotte sees a darker side to Sam. He cheats on her, and eventually becomes violent when she dares to criticize his plans. When they nearly get caught stealing an expensive necklace, and Sam leaves Charlotte holding the bag, she has finally had enough.

In the present day, Charlotte takes a job as an assistant planner on a luxury yacht sailing to the Caribbean. Things seem fine at first, but then someone leaves threatening notes for Charlotte, telling her that she must pay up or she will die. Charlotte has no money, and when she begins to suffer from "accidents", she believes that Sam is somehow behind all this.

Fans of Bravo's Below Deck will enjoy the luxury yacht setting, as so much of the story takes place on the yacht with the demanding and wealthy travelers. The "locked room" trope of the story rachets up the suspense as Charlotte is trapped on the yacht with someone who means her harm. The Ex-Husband will appeal to readers of Ruth Ware and Lucy Foley's novels.

Thanks to Harlequin for putting me on Karen Hamilton's book tour. ( )
  bookchickdi | Jan 19, 2022 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 10) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Fiction. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:From international bestselling author Karen Hamilton comes another pulse-pounding domestic thriller set against a lush, tropical backdrop as a woman fleeing her past as a con artist finds herself trapped aboard a cruise ship with someone who not only knows about that past, but will stop at nothing to get revenge.
It's an offer she can't refuse...and might not survive.
Charlotte has an unsavory past, but she's on the straight and narrow these days. She was so young thenâ??she married the wrong man, falling for Sam's sweet-talking charm and charisma, and got caught up in his con artist games.
If only she'd left him before things went too far.
Now Sam is missing. But before he disappeared, he left urgent, cryptic messages about someone threatening himâ??someone who has been threatening Charlotte, too.
So Charlotte takes a job as a personal assistant for an engagement party aboard a private luxury cruise ship, the Cleobella, to get far away from anyone who means her harm.
But as the Cleobella sails through its glittering destinations, increasingly sinister events haunt the guests, and the turquoise waves and sun-drenched beaches give way to something darker. Someone knows what Charlotte did. Is it the blushing bride? The seemingly placid mother-in-law? Or the mysterious heiress?
Someone knows, and someone wants revengeâ??before the ship reaches its final por

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