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Death on the Heath (1981)

Tekijä: Alan Hunter

Sarjat: George Gently (28)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
451568,057 (3.2)-
In a lonely thicket of gorse near the Suffolk coast, a man lies dead on a summers afternoon: Frederick Quennell, amateur yachtsman and head of a successful local firm of printers. Later examining the site, Chief Superintendent Gently (newly married to Gabrielle Orbec, and reluctantly in charge of the investigation) wonders who wanted Quennell dead.There is no shortage of suspects, as the Suffolk police point out. Quennell's neglected wife is deeply in love with an artist - a man moreover, who's been suspected of murder once before. What about Raymond Tallis, who headed the printing firm until Quennell took his place? Tallis's own family affairs are complex: his brother Arthur drowned in a yachting accident, with Tallis and Quennell both on board at the time, and Tallis then married his brother's widow . . .In the tranquil Suffolk countryside, scented with heather and sea-breezes, Gently sets to work to disentangle the emotional bonds - the jealousy, love, hatred, and remorse - that enmesh the dead man's family and friends. And he starts by contemplating not just one previous death, but two . . .… (lisätietoja)

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Gently and a 'Hamlet' family
Review of the Constable Kindle eBook edition (2016) of the Walker & Co. hardcover original “Death on the Heath” (1982).

NOTE: This book is a spoiler for Gently Where She Lay (Gently #19) as one of the suspects from that earlier book returns and is again a suspect. The earlier book’s plot is discussed enough to reveal the earlier murderer.

‘So,’ Gently said. ‘If not you, if not another boy friend, who am I looking for?’
Reymerston stared over his glass. ‘Don’t think I haven’t been giving it some thought. Unlike you, I know the field, and unlike you, I know I’m innocent. And unlike you I’m a suspect – which really gets the grey matter weaving. All the same, one doesn’t rush to point a finger at other people.’
‘But you can point one.’

A man is found murdered on the heath in Suffolk. He was the manager of a firm of printers and the family of owners comes under suspicion, including the scion. Meanwhile, the scion's uncle married his mother after the death of his father. Does that sound like a setup from some classic play that we all know? Gently suspects that the solution to the current crime also lies in the past. There are of course twists in the way before the final answer is revealed.

See cover at https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/...
The dust cover of the original UK hardcover published under its original title by Walker & Co. in 1982. Image sourced from Goodreads.

I was relieved that this book at least returned to the investigative scenarios of the series, rather than continuing the suspense thriller styles of the previous 2 books.

Trivia and Link
Gently in the Past was not adapted for the Inspector George Gently TV series (2007-2017). Very few of the TV episodes are based on the original books and the characters are quite different, e.g. Sgt Bacchus does not appear in the books. The timeline for the TV series takes place in the 1960s only. ( )
  alanteder | Jul 30, 2023 |
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In a lonely thicket of gorse near the Suffolk coast, a man lies dead on a summers afternoon: Frederick Quennell, amateur yachtsman and head of a successful local firm of printers. Later examining the site, Chief Superintendent Gently (newly married to Gabrielle Orbec, and reluctantly in charge of the investigation) wonders who wanted Quennell dead.There is no shortage of suspects, as the Suffolk police point out. Quennell's neglected wife is deeply in love with an artist - a man moreover, who's been suspected of murder once before. What about Raymond Tallis, who headed the printing firm until Quennell took his place? Tallis's own family affairs are complex: his brother Arthur drowned in a yachting accident, with Tallis and Quennell both on board at the time, and Tallis then married his brother's widow . . .In the tranquil Suffolk countryside, scented with heather and sea-breezes, Gently sets to work to disentangle the emotional bonds - the jealousy, love, hatred, and remorse - that enmesh the dead man's family and friends. And he starts by contemplating not just one previous death, but two . . .

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