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Find Your Unicorn Space: Reclaim Your Right to a Creative Life in a Too-Busy World

Tekijä: Eve Rodsky

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672397,930 (3.56)1
Self-Improvement. Nonfiction. HTML:From the New York Times bestselling author of Fair Play comes an inspirational guide for setting new personal goals, rediscovering your interests, cultivating creativity, and reclaiming your Unicorn Space.
With her acclaimed New York Times bestseller (and Reeseâ??s Book Club pick) Fair Play, Eve Rodsky began a national conversation about greater equality on the home front. But she soon realized that even when the domestic workload becomes more balanced, people still report something missing in their livesâ??that is, unless they create and prioritize time for activities that not only fill their calendars but also unleash their creativity.  
Rodsky calls this vital time Unicorn Spaceâ??the active and open pursuit of creative self-expression in any form that makes you uniquely YOU. To help readers embrace all the unlikely, surprising, and delightful places where their own Unicorn Space may be found, she speaks with trail blazers, thought leaders, academics, and countless real people who have discovered theirs everywhereâ??from activism to artistic endeavors to second careers.
Rodsky reveals what researchers already know: Creativity is not optional. Itâ??s essential. Though most of us do need to remind ourselves how (and where) to find it. With her trademark mix of research based, how-to advice and big-picture inspirational thinking, Rodsky shows you a clear path to reclaim your permission to have fun, manifest your own Unicorn Space in an already too-busy life, and unleash your special gifts and undiscovered talents
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Unfortunately this one didn’t work for me. No matter how much the author denies it, this is really only for married/partnered women with children and how they can try to find any time for themselves. I think the author interviewed various people to make it seem like everyone is included but not really; it’s possible that it’s just an extension of her first book which at least straight up says who it’s for. Also this woman thanked her nanny in her acknowledgments but didn’t mention her at all throughout the book when she talked about finding time; this seems a little questionable. The actual creativity part felt more like an afterthought. ( )
  spinsterrevival | May 23, 2022 |
In Find Your Unicorn Space: Reclaim Your Creative Life in a Too-busy World, author Eve Rodsky discusses the importance of creative outlets in people’s life, and doing something for enjoyment, not just to make money. While I was not completely sold on the specifics of the Unicorn Space, I was interested in the information on the importance of creativity in people’s lives. ( )
  dcoward | Feb 17, 2022 |
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Self-Improvement. Nonfiction. HTML:From the New York Times bestselling author of Fair Play comes an inspirational guide for setting new personal goals, rediscovering your interests, cultivating creativity, and reclaiming your Unicorn Space.
With her acclaimed New York Times bestseller (and Reeseâ??s Book Club pick) Fair Play, Eve Rodsky began a national conversation about greater equality on the home front. But she soon realized that even when the domestic workload becomes more balanced, people still report something missing in their livesâ??that is, unless they create and prioritize time for activities that not only fill their calendars but also unleash their creativity.  
Rodsky calls this vital time Unicorn Spaceâ??the active and open pursuit of creative self-expression in any form that makes you uniquely YOU. To help readers embrace all the unlikely, surprising, and delightful places where their own Unicorn Space may be found, she speaks with trail blazers, thought leaders, academics, and countless real people who have discovered theirs everywhereâ??from activism to artistic endeavors to second careers.
Rodsky reveals what researchers already know: Creativity is not optional. Itâ??s essential. Though most of us do need to remind ourselves how (and where) to find it. With her trademark mix of research based, how-to advice and big-picture inspirational thinking, Rodsky shows you a clear path to reclaim your permission to have fun, manifest your own Unicorn Space in an already too-busy life, and unleash your special gifts and undiscovered talents

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