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Holiday Ever After: 3 Novellas [anthology]

Tekijä: Jill Shalvis

Sarjat: Heartbreaker Bay ("One Snowy Night", 2.5 & "Holiday Wishes", 4.5), Wildstone (5.5 “Mistletoe in Paradise”)

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462556,961 (3.6)-
Fiction. Romance. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:

Three fan-favorite Jill Shalvis novellas are together for the first time in this holiday anthology!

One Snowy Night

It's Christmas Eve and Rory Andrews is desperate to get home to her family. Problem is, her only ride to Lake Tahoe comes in the form of the annoyingly handsome Max Stranton, her long-time crush, and his big, goofy, lovable dog. A long road trip in a massive blizzard might be just what they need to face their past...and one steamy, snowy night is all it takes to bring Max and Rory together at last.

Holiday Wishes

When Sean O'Riley shows up for his older brother's bachelor weekend, the last person he expects to see is Lotti Hartford, the woman he lost his virginity to a decade ago. As the weekend continues, Sean realizes he wants to leave his hook-up life behind, but can he convince Lotti to open her heart to him again?

Mistletoe in Paradise

Years after their secret fling ended, Hannah isn't eager to see James during their families' annual joint holiday-themed yacht adventure. But when they're the only people who show up, James and Hannah are stuck together on the high seas for days. As the former lovers try to make the best of the Christmas snafu, they soon realize the best things in life can't be planned, and sometimes love is sweeter the second time around.

… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
Jill Shalvis has quickly become one of my go to authors. All of her stories will make you laugh out loud and possibly cry just a little. And these three short stories do just that!

I especially loved the first one, One Snowy Night. This story is my favorite out of the three. I fell hook, line and sinker for Sean. He is tough as nails but he has such a sweet soft side.

Holiday Wishes is a very good read as well. I loved the characters. They are trying so hard to NOT fall for each other! Perfect for an evening in front of the fire with a glass of wine!

Mistletoe in Paradise had me laughing out loud in places. The characters have such cute quips and funny interactions. I swear…I do not know how Jill keeps everything fresh and creative.

Need a fun set of Christmas stories to get you in the holiday spirit…THIS IS IT! Grab your copy today.

I received this book from the publisher for a honest review. ( )
  fredreeca | Dec 15, 2021 |
I received an ARC of this book to read through Edelweiss+. All opinions are my own. Holiday Ever After by Jill Shalvis is a collection of three previously published Christmas-themed Novellas, two from the Heartbreaker Bay Series and one from the Wildstone series. You don't have to have read the other books in the series to enjoy these novellas. One Snowy Night, Mistletoe in Paradise, and Holiday Wishes deal with couples who met as teenagers, had a conflict and are now meeting again as adults. The stories are both steamy and sweet, and I enjoyed re-reading them. I found this book perfect for curling up with on a cold afternoon when you want to get into a holiday mood. Steam Level: Medium. Publishing Date: October 26, 2021. #HolidayEverAfter #JillShalvis #HarperCollinsCanada #AvonRomance #HolidayRomance #ChristmasRomance #Romance Series #ContemporaryHolidayRomance #RomanceSeriesReader #RomanceReader #bookstagram #bookstagrammer ( )
  nmgski | Oct 26, 2021 |
näyttää 2/2
ei arvosteluja | lisää arvostelu

Kuuluu näihin sarjoihin

Heartbreaker Bay ("One Snowy Night", 2.5 & "Holiday Wishes", 4.5)
Wildstone (5.5 “Mistletoe in Paradise”)
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Fiction. Romance. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:

Three fan-favorite Jill Shalvis novellas are together for the first time in this holiday anthology!

One Snowy Night

It's Christmas Eve and Rory Andrews is desperate to get home to her family. Problem is, her only ride to Lake Tahoe comes in the form of the annoyingly handsome Max Stranton, her long-time crush, and his big, goofy, lovable dog. A long road trip in a massive blizzard might be just what they need to face their past...and one steamy, snowy night is all it takes to bring Max and Rory together at last.

Holiday Wishes

When Sean O'Riley shows up for his older brother's bachelor weekend, the last person he expects to see is Lotti Hartford, the woman he lost his virginity to a decade ago. As the weekend continues, Sean realizes he wants to leave his hook-up life behind, but can he convince Lotti to open her heart to him again?

Mistletoe in Paradise

Years after their secret fling ended, Hannah isn't eager to see James during their families' annual joint holiday-themed yacht adventure. But when they're the only people who show up, James and Hannah are stuck together on the high seas for days. As the former lovers try to make the best of the Christmas snafu, they soon realize the best things in life can't be planned, and sometimes love is sweeter the second time around.


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