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Dark Lullaby (2021)

Tekijä: Polly Ho-Yen

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
282845,639 (3.08)-
Fantasy. Fiction. Science Fiction. Thriller. HTML:For fans of Black Mirror and The Handmaidâ??s Tale, a mother desperately tries to keep her family together in a society where parenting standards are strictly monitored.

"With fabulous world-building and a plot so tight you could bounce a quarter off of it, Dark Lullaby is a Handmaid's Tale for the modern world, about the ways our human need for love can serve as both society's salvation, and its undoing."
Sarah Langan, author of Good Neighbors
The world is suffering an infertility crisis, the last natural birth was over twenty years ago and now the only way to conceive is through a painful fertility treatment. Any children born are strictly monitored, and if you are deemed an unfit parent then your child is extracted. After witnessing so many struggling to conceive â?? and then keep â?? their babies, Kit thought she didnâ??t want children. But then she meets Thomas and they have a baby girl, Mimi. Soon the small mistakes build up and suddenly Kit is faced with the possibility of losing her daughter, and she is forced to ask herself how far she will go to keep her family together.… (lisätietoja)

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Handmaid's Tale meets Black Mirror. What happens when the world's fertility rate drops to almost zero? When child protective services can issue warnings to remove your child permanently if you are deemed an unfit parent? When most children actually get extracted before they are one, but women get financially penalised if they stop trying to conceive? There's nothing wrong with the book; it's well-written, interesting, with a good twist, but it left me wanting it to be better. The bleak but realistic ending didn't help. I need a good fluffy book after this. ( )
  altricial | Dec 17, 2021 |
Dark Lullaby by Polly Ho-Yen is a bleak look at a future where women can no longer have children naturally. They have to go through a process called induction in which they have to take a regimen of drugs to help their bodies be able to sustain a pregnancy. For women who decide not to have children, well they are considered "outs" having opted out of this process. Women and their partners who decide to go through the process are paid more, have better housing and obviously valued more.
But once you have a baby, the "governments" involvement doesn't end there. Enforcers, people who watch you raise your child and give you IPS (infractions) for doing anything they consider wrong. After so many IPS they take your baby.
This story is about two sisters, one who wants and has a child and the other who is an "out". The story is told back and forth between the present "Now" and the past "Then". Its a very dark look at the choices women make and the lengths that they will go to keep their children.
I really enjoyed the book, it definitely had Handmaid's Tale (by Margaret Atwood) vibe about it as well as Vox by Christina Dalcher. ( )
  Verkruissen | Feb 10, 2021 |
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Fantasy. Fiction. Science Fiction. Thriller. HTML:For fans of Black Mirror and The Handmaidâ??s Tale, a mother desperately tries to keep her family together in a society where parenting standards are strictly monitored.

"With fabulous world-building and a plot so tight you could bounce a quarter off of it, Dark Lullaby is a Handmaid's Tale for the modern world, about the ways our human need for love can serve as both society's salvation, and its undoing."
Sarah Langan, author of Good Neighbors
The world is suffering an infertility crisis, the last natural birth was over twenty years ago and now the only way to conceive is through a painful fertility treatment. Any children born are strictly monitored, and if you are deemed an unfit parent then your child is extracted. After witnessing so many struggling to conceive â?? and then keep â?? their babies, Kit thought she didnâ??t want children. But then she meets Thomas and they have a baby girl, Mimi. Soon the small mistakes build up and suddenly Kit is faced with the possibility of losing her daughter, and she is forced to ask herself how far she will go to keep her family together.

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