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Season's Creepings: Tales of Holiday Horror

Tekijä: Ronald Kelly

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1431,453,257 (3.83)-
Christmas can be the most wonderful time of the year. Candy canes and hot cocoa. Snowmen and sleigh rides. The love and hope that the Nativity brings. Cold milk and warm cookies for Santa. Family, friends, and the cheerful laughter of children. But, beneath the festive wrapping paper and the gleam and glitter of the lights and tinsel, things less jubilant may lie in wait. The holiday season can bring love, peace, and benevolence... but it may also spawn a darkness lurking amid the shadowy boughs of the Christmas tree, ornaments that should have never seen the light of day, let along hung on festive branches, and bones that jingle and dance, in search of Santa's crimson suit... and the flesh that resides within. In this collection of harrowing holiday tales, Ronald Kelly leaves ten frightful and horrific gifts in the Christmas stockings that hang from the mantle of your cheerful fireplace. Ghastly and gruesome presents that slowly unwrap and burst into life while you are tucked, snug and warm, in your bed and take on nightmarish form in the icy winter hours of Christmas Eve, turning comfort and joy into terror and dread.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 3/3
So, it turns out...Ronald Kelly does Christmas as well as he does Halloween! I can always count on him to give classic horror with a unique spin, while still managing to feel traditional and timeless.

I was super thrilled to find that Mister Glow-bones makes an appearance in this anthology ! I didn't realize that the cover skeleton is the ol' luminous boney boogeyman himself....although I probably should have.

I definitely recommend this read any time of year....Tis the season to be scary!! ( )
  Jfranklin592262 | Mar 6, 2024 |
This was a very cool holiday theme collection of stories by author, Ronald Kelly and I can say that I enjoyed all of them!

I am going to give a very small cryptic taste for each story within these pages without giving away spoilers.

Jingle Bones - A stepfather gets his just rewards for Christmas.

The Skating Pond - Skating on a frozen pond is more hazardous than you think!

Depravity Road - An isolated farm is home to a serial killer - a family of four are lucky to be alive.

Heirlooms - What really resides in heirloom ornaments on a Christmas tree?

The Winds Within - Eyes are for more than to see with.

Then Came A Woodsman - A hero comes in all forms.

As for Me, My Little Brain - The tables are flipped on Santa Claus as he ends up getting a surprise.

Beneath the Branches - Be careful what you buy from someone on the road as you don't know what you will bring home with you.

Papa's Exile - A tree gives a little girl a surprise that she will never forget.

The Peddler's Journey - Sometimes ghost stories turn out to be true.

Loved all the stories and though some of them were twisted, they still had the right "jingle" for the holiday season! Five stars for this collection!

( )
  BookNookRetreat7 | Jul 25, 2022 |
This was a very cool holiday theme collection of stories by author, Ronald Kelly and I can say that I enjoyed all of them!

I am going to give a very small cryptic taste for each story within these pages without giving away spoilers.

Jingle Bones - A stepfather gets his just rewards for Christmas.

The Skating Pond - Skating on a frozen pond is more hazardous than you think!

Depravity Road - An isolated farm is home to a serial killer - a family of four are lucky to be alive.

Heirlooms - What really resides in heirloom ornaments on a Christmas tree?

The Winds Within - Eyes are for more than to see with.

Then Came A Woodsman - A hero comes in all forms.

As for Me, My Little Brain - The tables are flipped on Santa Claus as he ends up getting a surprise.

Beneath the Branches - Be careful what you buy from someone on the road as you don't know what you will bring home with you.

Papa's Exile - A tree gives a little girl a surprise that she will never forget.

The Peddler's Journey - Sometimes ghost stories turn out to be true.

Loved all the stories and though some of them were twisted, they still had the right "jingle" for the holiday season! Five stars for this collection! ( )
  BookNookRetreat7 | Jul 21, 2022 |
näyttää 3/3
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Christmas can be the most wonderful time of the year. Candy canes and hot cocoa. Snowmen and sleigh rides. The love and hope that the Nativity brings. Cold milk and warm cookies for Santa. Family, friends, and the cheerful laughter of children. But, beneath the festive wrapping paper and the gleam and glitter of the lights and tinsel, things less jubilant may lie in wait. The holiday season can bring love, peace, and benevolence... but it may also spawn a darkness lurking amid the shadowy boughs of the Christmas tree, ornaments that should have never seen the light of day, let along hung on festive branches, and bones that jingle and dance, in search of Santa's crimson suit... and the flesh that resides within. In this collection of harrowing holiday tales, Ronald Kelly leaves ten frightful and horrific gifts in the Christmas stockings that hang from the mantle of your cheerful fireplace. Ghastly and gruesome presents that slowly unwrap and burst into life while you are tucked, snug and warm, in your bed and take on nightmarish form in the icy winter hours of Christmas Eve, turning comfort and joy into terror and dread.

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