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How to Make a Slave and Other Essays (21st Century Essays)

Tekijä: Jerald Walker

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
652409,744 (4)1
"Personal essays exploring identity, family, and community through the prism of race and black culture. Confronts the medical profession's racial biases, shopping while black at Whole Foods, the legacy of Michael Jackson, raising black boys, haircuts that scare white people, racial profiling, and growing up in Southside Chicago"--… (lisätietoja)

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Selected as part of the Amherst Jones Library's On the Same Page program. I'm very glad I read it! About half of the essays are in second person, an unusual choice but one that works very well here; the other half are in first person.

See also: The Black Friend by Frederick Joseph; I'm Still Here by Austin Channing Brown


Racism is part and parcel of our culture, the great American disease with which we are all afflicted; there will be no cure until we accept this diagnosis. (from "The Heritage Room," 39)

Her tolerance for racism was extreme, in your view, which was to say she resisted it only if it were actually occurring, whereas all you required was its possibility. (From "Smoke," 84)

We were having trouble getting excited about our trip to Chicago, on account of all the murders. (From "Once More To the Ghetto," 120) ( )
  JennyArch | Apr 3, 2022 |
I sped through this, it was so enlightening and well written. I wish I had read Dragon Slayers before I tackled the Norton Anthology of African American Literature. I really appreciated his perspective on reading the works of African Americans. His essays are entertaining and eye opening. Really a lot of food for thought here. ( )
  njcur | Sep 9, 2021 |
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"Personal essays exploring identity, family, and community through the prism of race and black culture. Confronts the medical profession's racial biases, shopping while black at Whole Foods, the legacy of Michael Jackson, raising black boys, haircuts that scare white people, racial profiling, and growing up in Southside Chicago"--

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