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Four Corners of Night (1998)

Tekijä: Craig Holden

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
2167126,512 (3.4)3
Fiction. Thriller. HTML:

A twelve-year-old girl is snatched from the street where she lives. And for two cops, Mack Steiner and Bank Arbaugh--partners, best friends, fathers themselves--the girl's disappearance will hurtle them back through layers of friendship, memory, and loss. Because seven years before, Bank's own daughter vanished without a trace. And now, as police descend on the small midwestern city, as witnesses are grilled and evidence mounts, one case begins to illuminate the other. And for two men, a harrowing journey has begun--one that will test their long, complicated friendship and uncover a chilling truth about two missing girls, two shattered families, and at least one heartbreaking lie.

From the author The New York Times hails as "astonishing" comes a spellbinding blend of raw tension and human drama--a masterpiece of suspense that races toward a devastating climax...then jolts us again with a final, unforgettable twist.

From the Paperback edition.

.… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 3 mainintaa

Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 7) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
I love Craig Holden's style of writing. He's not afraid to vilify his protagonists. He's also completely inside his character's heads, fully developing them and their histories in a way that few authors do. This story was gritty and emotional, entering territory that most writers would eschew, but doing it in a way that makes the reader welcome the outcome, no matter how uncomfortable it may be. ( )
  ShannonHollinger | Feb 15, 2021 |
Pretty good mystery but an unlikely resolution, I thought. ( )
  librarian997 | Jan 22, 2010 |
Story set in Ohio of two policemen, one of whose daughters disappeared in mysterious circumstances a number of years previously and the sudden disappearance of another young girl brings back memories and has strange echoes of his own daughter. OK but fact it took me nearly two weeks to read says it all! ( )
  edwardsgt | Dec 5, 2009 |
This is a dark mystery with realistic, complex characters. The current events and relationships are beautifully interwoven with those of seven years in the past. Suspenseful and surprising. I would highly recommend it for mystery readers who like thought provoking writing and stories. ( )
  KAzevedo | Nov 25, 2009 |
It is not harrowing. It is not heartbreaking. It is not absorbing. It is not haunting. It is boring.
Was a real page turner for me, though. Could not wait to finish so that I could move on to a good read. ( )
  TicoCharlie | Aug 2, 2009 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 7) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Fiction. Thriller. HTML:

A twelve-year-old girl is snatched from the street where she lives. And for two cops, Mack Steiner and Bank Arbaugh--partners, best friends, fathers themselves--the girl's disappearance will hurtle them back through layers of friendship, memory, and loss. Because seven years before, Bank's own daughter vanished without a trace. And now, as police descend on the small midwestern city, as witnesses are grilled and evidence mounts, one case begins to illuminate the other. And for two men, a harrowing journey has begun--one that will test their long, complicated friendship and uncover a chilling truth about two missing girls, two shattered families, and at least one heartbreaking lie.

From the author The New York Times hails as "astonishing" comes a spellbinding blend of raw tension and human drama--a masterpiece of suspense that races toward a devastating climax...then jolts us again with a final, unforgettable twist.

From the Paperback edition.


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