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Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic (2006)

Tekijä: Chalmers Johnson

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
4671053,590 (4.32)20
In Blowback, Chalmers Johnson linked the CIA's clandestine activities abroad to disaster at home. In The Sorrows of Empire, he explored the ways in which the growth of American militarism has jeopardized our stability. Now, in Nemesis, he shows how imperial overstretch is undermining the republic itself, both economically and politically. Delving into new areas--from plans to militarize outer space to Constitution-breaking presidential activities at home and the corruption of a toothless Congress--Nemesis offers a description of the trap into which the dreams of America's leaders have taken us. Drawing comparisons to empires past, Johnson explores just what the unintended consequences of our dependence on a permanent war economy are likely to be. What does it mean when the globe's sole "hyperpower," no longer capable of paying for the ambitions of its leaders, becomes the greatest hyper-debtor of all times?--From publisher description.… (lisätietoja)

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 10) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
EXCELLENT, read it! ( )
  marshapetry | Oct 14, 2016 |
I heard this author on NPR and was interested in his viewpoint. ( )
  Judy_Ryfinski | Jan 20, 2016 |
I heard this author on NPR and was interested in his viewpoint. ( )
  Judy_Ryfinski | Jan 20, 2016 |
Chalmers Johnson is an amazing and erudite author. Reading any of his books is an education and a pleasure. ( )
  Colby_Glass | Jul 2, 2015 |
Chalmers Johnson's third book about the pernicious influence of militarism on our country is excellent. I was a participant in or observer of many of the incidents Dr. Johnson discussed in his first book, "Blowback", and worked with him when I was the US Information Agency's Japan desk officer from mid-1985 through mid-1987. Dr. Johnson, a patriotic, Republican economist with extensive international experience, raises interesting questions about the extent to which "the military-industrial complex" has jeopardized our domestic political system and Constitution while damaging our long-term interests and standing abroad. He makes his points with readable prose and ample evidence. Reading this book while the news that our vice president considers himself exempt from all laws when it suits his ends made an interesting real world, real time illustration of Johnson's argument.

( )
  nmele | Apr 6, 2013 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 10) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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In Blowback, Chalmers Johnson linked the CIA's clandestine activities abroad to disaster at home. In The Sorrows of Empire, he explored the ways in which the growth of American militarism has jeopardized our stability. Now, in Nemesis, he shows how imperial overstretch is undermining the republic itself, both economically and politically. Delving into new areas--from plans to militarize outer space to Constitution-breaking presidential activities at home and the corruption of a toothless Congress--Nemesis offers a description of the trap into which the dreams of America's leaders have taken us. Drawing comparisons to empires past, Johnson explores just what the unintended consequences of our dependence on a permanent war economy are likely to be. What does it mean when the globe's sole "hyperpower," no longer capable of paying for the ambitions of its leaders, becomes the greatest hyper-debtor of all times?--From publisher description.

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