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A Fatal Lie: A Novel (Inspector Ian Rutledge…

A Fatal Lie: A Novel (Inspector Ian Rutledge Mysteries, 23) (vuoden 2021 painos)

Tekijä: Charles Todd (Tekijä)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
22420121,839 (3.8)23
Fiction. Mystery. Thriller. Historical Fiction. HTML:

"If there's ever been a more complex and compelling hero in crime fiction than Inspector Rutledge, I can't think of one."â??Jeffery Deaver

In one of his most puzzling cases, Scotland Yard Inspector Ian Rutledge must delve deep into a dead man's life and his past to find a killer determined to keep dark secrets buried.

A peaceful Welsh village is thrown into turmoil when a terrified boy stumbles on a body in a nearby river. The man appears to have fallen from the canal aqueduct spanning the valley. But there is no identification on the body, he isn't a local, and no one will admit to having seen him before. With little to go on, the village police turn to Scotland Yard for help.

When Inspector Ian Rutledge is sent from London to find answers, he is given few cluesâ??a faded military tattoo on the victim's arm and an unusual label in the collar of his shirt. They eventually lead him to the victim's identity: Sam Milford. By all accounts, he was a good man and well-respected. Then, why is his death so mysterious? Looking for the truth, Rutledge uncovers a web of lies swirling around a suicidal woman, a child's tragic fate, another woman bent on protecting her past. But where among all the lies is the motive for murder?

To track a killer, Rutledge must retrace Milford's last journey. Yet death seems to stalk his every move, and the truth seems to shift at every turn. Man or woman, this murderer stays in the shadows, and it will take desperate measures to lure himâ??or herâ??into the… (lisätietoja)

Teoksen nimi:A Fatal Lie: A Novel (Inspector Ian Rutledge Mysteries, 23)
Kirjailijat:Charles Todd (Tekijä)
Info:William Morrow (2021), 352 pages
Kokoelmat:Luettu, ei oma
Arvio (tähdet):*1/2


A Fatal Lie (tekijä: Charles Todd)


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» Katso myös 23 mainintaa

Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 20) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
A good read, maintains interest and suspense, well constructed. I've read two of his Inspector Rutledge novels now but will take a break. ( )
  Craftybilda | Apr 24, 2024 |
For once, out of sight as well as out of mind; Rutledge is off to Wales and its environs to determine what happened to one of Britain's WW1 Bantams. In the early days of the Great War; England would not accept men shorter than 5' 3" into their army. As losses mounted, they changed their minds and created the Bantam Regiments. The victim served in one of the regiments until wounded and as is not unusual in a Rutledge book the crime has a WW1 connection. Connecting the dots is tedious but the inspector is dogged as well as intrepid so he eventually sorts it out. ( )
  jamespurcell | Jul 12, 2022 |
What can I say? I love Ian Rutledge. He's probably not particularly handsome nor blessed with charm, but his mind...I love his mind! It's always quite the adventure to go on a case with him. In this book he is sent to determine if a body pulled from the river was an accidental death or murder. It was murder and it involved a missing child and a few more murders as well. I enjoy reading about all the cities he travels through and the scenery as well. Well done! ( )
1 ääni juju2cat | Mar 13, 2022 |
first book that I've read from the series. It was okay. Drawn out far too long and the characters seemed far to dumb to be believable. ( )
  auntiemeryl | Dec 9, 2021 |
This is the first book that I've read in this long running series but not my first book by this author. I've read and enjoyed a couple books in the Bess Crawford series so I jumped at the chance to read this one even though it's book #23. It honestly didn't affect my enjoyment in the slightest as I really enjoyed my time with this book. This book was a slow burn in the best of ways. I love a good historical mystery that just pulls me into both the story and the time period that it is set in. I found myself following along with Inspector Ian Rutledge as he struggled to figure out the identity of the dead man and then to also find the killer. I loved the quiet suspense that was present throughout this book. This isn't a mystery or book that is meant to be rushed through. Instead, it is one to immerse yourself in and get lost within the pages. I found it interesting reading and learning about Ian Rutledge. There are some obvious things in his past that I was missing out on that I'm guessing that we would have learned more about in previous books. I definitely plan on going back to the beginning of this series at some point in the very near future.

Overall, this is a book that I think that historical mystery fans and mystery readers in general will enjoy. Just make sure that you go in with the correct expectations that this is a mystery and not a thriller that you will fly through. Readers that enjoy slow burns and detective (inspector) focused stories should definitely give this book or series a try! Recommended.

Bottom Line: A slow burning mystery that pulled me into its pages.

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book thanks to the publisher. Honest thoughts are my own. ( )
  samantha.1020 | Sep 28, 2021 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 20) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Fiction. Mystery. Thriller. Historical Fiction. HTML:

"If there's ever been a more complex and compelling hero in crime fiction than Inspector Rutledge, I can't think of one."â??Jeffery Deaver

In one of his most puzzling cases, Scotland Yard Inspector Ian Rutledge must delve deep into a dead man's life and his past to find a killer determined to keep dark secrets buried.

A peaceful Welsh village is thrown into turmoil when a terrified boy stumbles on a body in a nearby river. The man appears to have fallen from the canal aqueduct spanning the valley. But there is no identification on the body, he isn't a local, and no one will admit to having seen him before. With little to go on, the village police turn to Scotland Yard for help.

When Inspector Ian Rutledge is sent from London to find answers, he is given few cluesâ??a faded military tattoo on the victim's arm and an unusual label in the collar of his shirt. They eventually lead him to the victim's identity: Sam Milford. By all accounts, he was a good man and well-respected. Then, why is his death so mysterious? Looking for the truth, Rutledge uncovers a web of lies swirling around a suicidal woman, a child's tragic fate, another woman bent on protecting her past. But where among all the lies is the motive for murder?

To track a killer, Rutledge must retrace Milford's last journey. Yet death seems to stalk his every move, and the truth seems to shift at every turn. Man or woman, this murderer stays in the shadows, and it will take desperate measures to lure himâ??or herâ??into the

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