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Tekijä: Holly Peterson

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
3771468,503 (3.05)4
Fiction. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:

What's a Park Avenue working mom to do when her troubled son desperately needs a male role model? If she's like the gutsy heroine of Holly Peterson's astute new comedy of manners, she does what every other woman on the block does. She hires a manny.

A middle-class girl from Middle America, Jamie Whitfield isn't "one of them" but she lives in "the Grid," the wealthiest acre of real estate in Manhattan. And she has most everything they have - a sprawling, new apartment, full-time help, as well as her very own detached attorney husband. What she doesn't have, is a full-time father figure for their struggling nine-year-old son, Dylan. Enter The Manny. At first the idea of paying a man to provide a role model for Dylan sounds crazy. But Peter Bailey is calm, cool, competent and so charmingly down-to-earth, he's irresistible. And with her career as a news producer in overdrive, and her husband locked in his study, Jamie is in serious need of some grounding. But will the new manny in her life put the ground back beneath her feet, or sweep her off them?

.… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 4 mainintaa

Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 13) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
On the surface, Jamie Whitfield has it all: a thriving career as a serious broadcast news producer, a multimillionaire husband, three adorable children, and full cast of household help. What she doesn't have is a full-time father for her children or an attentive husband.

What's a desperate woman to do? Hire a man. Not any man, but a male nanny.

I enjoyed this voyeuristic journey into the 0.001% of Manhattan's richest families on the Grid. But I didn't give the book 5 stars, because I wasn't particularly fond of Jamie at first. She rubbed me the wrong way a few times, but overall, the author portrayed her as realistically as possible, especially her indecisiveness on whether or not to leave her power marriage.

( )
  AngelaLam | Feb 8, 2022 |
I'm not sure what I was thinking when I tried to read this...I thought it would be a quick mindless read but I couldn't even make it past 20 pages. ( )
  baruthcook | Aug 26, 2020 |
1.5 stars
Trite chick lit. Weathly over-extended Mom living in Manhattan with power-hungry attorney husband, hires a "ski bum" to provide male role model for 9-year-old son who is over anxious. I didn't quite finish because it was due at the library and just too ridiculous to renew. ( )
1 ääni BookConcierge | Mar 4, 2016 |
I felt like this book was uneven - like the author wasn't sure what she wanted this story to be. At times it felt like a romance novel where every scene is about sex and sexual tension. And then at other times it felt like more like a serious story about a failing marriage and excessive consumerism. Overall the storyline was good, but the tone of the novel just never hit the right note for me. I did like the author interview at the end of the audio version I listened to. ( )
  tjsjohanna | Apr 12, 2013 |
You tell a story about rich Manhattanites, I'm there. In this one, a high-powered news producer thinks her son needs more male guidance (husband is distracted with his own career) and hires a "manny" who happens to be gorgeous, sensitive, and about to take off with his own high-tech company. You can guess what happens. Pretty good. I had the U.K. edition, so the language was almost quaint. ( )
1 ääni ennie | Nov 25, 2011 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 13) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Fiction. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:

What's a Park Avenue working mom to do when her troubled son desperately needs a male role model? If she's like the gutsy heroine of Holly Peterson's astute new comedy of manners, she does what every other woman on the block does. She hires a manny.

A middle-class girl from Middle America, Jamie Whitfield isn't "one of them" but she lives in "the Grid," the wealthiest acre of real estate in Manhattan. And she has most everything they have - a sprawling, new apartment, full-time help, as well as her very own detached attorney husband. What she doesn't have, is a full-time father figure for their struggling nine-year-old son, Dylan. Enter The Manny. At first the idea of paying a man to provide a role model for Dylan sounds crazy. But Peter Bailey is calm, cool, competent and so charmingly down-to-earth, he's irresistible. And with her career as a news producer in overdrive, and her husband locked in his study, Jamie is in serious need of some grounding. But will the new manny in her life put the ground back beneath her feet, or sweep her off them?


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