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Saving Faith: How Families Protect, Sustain, and Encourage Faith (2020)

Tekijä: John Gee

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712,387,343 (5)-
"Narratives about Latter-day Saint youth and young adults losing faith in droves are examined in the context of data from the longitudinal National Study of Youth and Religion and other studies. These narratives are largely unsupported by the data and overemphasize the role that doubt plays in the loss of faith by ignoring other factors. Weekly church attendance, daily prayer, frequent scripture study, and avoiding sexual activity outside of marriage make a difference in maintaining and preserving faith"--… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatMicoli, keithval, BV3, atari_guy, richjj

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Using data from hundreds of studies, this book gives insights into why people leave the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and how to help make a difference in building and preserving faith, especially among the youth.

As an example, the four things that are strongly correlated with preserving faith in youth are:

1. Daily Prayer
2. Weekly church attendance
3. Regular scripture study
4. Keeping the law of chastity

The book also provides hope for parents and friends of those who struggle. Most people who work through their doubts come out with stronger faith, however it is less likely if their lifestyle is no longer compatible with the church's teachings or they spend too much time doubting before getting help. Parents can help their children by teaching them to live the gospel and setting the example of doing it themselves. ( )
  atari_guy | May 11, 2021 |
This book is not entirely bad. I think Gee is right to examine some of the claims and ideological underpinnings of secularization theory, for example. He is also right to tell Latter-day Saint families that religious exodus is not inevitable: Even though we are living in a deeply challenging landscape for religion, there are things that individuals and families can do to help promote faith.
But he doesn’t offer new research of his own, and he plays too loosely with the research of others to make this worth recommending. The book may have disappeared from the shelves because of what the author said about sexuality, but the publisher’s decision was the right one even outside of what the author or others might be tempted to dismiss as an example of “cancel culture.” The book is an inaccurate and skewed reconstruction of other people’s research in the sociology of religion.
I’m afraid that claims like those made by Gee will perpetuate the stigmatization of victimization and prevent many, particularly men, from seeking out the help that they desperately need.
When researchers fail to properly report nuance, make strong claims based on limited reading, and fail to acknowledge the shortcomings of social research, they can cause real harm. In this case, the marginalization of LGBTQ+ individuals can perpetuate the very abuses that Gee shows concern for, given that anti-LGBTQ+ bias appears to be a significant correlate of their victimization. Stigmatizing abuse victims may generate significant psychological, physical, social, and developmental harm.
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


"Narratives about Latter-day Saint youth and young adults losing faith in droves are examined in the context of data from the longitudinal National Study of Youth and Religion and other studies. These narratives are largely unsupported by the data and overemphasize the role that doubt plays in the loss of faith by ignoring other factors. Weekly church attendance, daily prayer, frequent scripture study, and avoiding sexual activity outside of marriage make a difference in maintaining and preserving faith"--

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