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The First Time

Tekijä: Cher

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1333208,383 (3.27)-
Pop star, TV star, movie star, wife & mother, Cher has remained at the top of the entertainment tree for over 30 years and shows no signs of slowing down. Her extraordinary popularity was stunningly confirmed in 1998, when her No.1 hit 'Believe' became the biggest-selling single of the year. In The First Time, she talks about the many other defining moments of her life, from her first memories of her mother to the eulogy to her former husband and singing partner, Sonny Bono, whose death in 1997 affected her deeply. She reflects upon her fluctuating pop career, which began as a backing singer in Phil Spector's recording studio, the stupendous success of Sonny and Cher's 'I Got You Babe',meetings with Andy Warhol, The Rolling Stones and Brian Wilson, and the move to Hollywood which brought her an Oscar for 'Moonstruck'. Told in her own inimitable style with dozens of her own photographs, THE FIRST TIME is the true story of the events that shaped the life of a luminous star.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 3/3
Short and sweet autobiography in the form of 'My first - ' essays from Cher (well, in Cher's words, but ghostwritten by Jeff Coplon. Luckily, for anyone who follows her on Twitter). Cher seems genuine and likeable, aware of her worth yet surprised by her success in life. Also, I didn't know that she is officially just Cher, having gone through two married last names. A cool lady! ( )
  AdonisGuilfoyle | Aug 7, 2018 |
The First Time is a collection of essays in which Cher describes the important firsts in her life, She cover her life from her first memory up to the point in her life when she wrote the book. These first include memories of both her personal and professional spectrum of her life. As you read her musings she comes across as honest. The essays are very short and easy to read. After letting this book sit in my in box for years I thought I should read it since it was donated. It is a very fast read, took just a couple of hours. This book may be of interest to you if you are a big Cher fan and are interested in what a celebrity thinks was important in her life. Important enough to be remembered and put in essay form. ( )
  hermit | Jul 9, 2015 |
Cher, I like you so much, but I wanted more details! Why did you break up with Sonny? Why did you ever, ever find him attractive? ( )
  JenneB | Apr 2, 2013 |
näyttää 3/3
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Pop star, TV star, movie star, wife & mother, Cher has remained at the top of the entertainment tree for over 30 years and shows no signs of slowing down. Her extraordinary popularity was stunningly confirmed in 1998, when her No.1 hit 'Believe' became the biggest-selling single of the year. In The First Time, she talks about the many other defining moments of her life, from her first memories of her mother to the eulogy to her former husband and singing partner, Sonny Bono, whose death in 1997 affected her deeply. She reflects upon her fluctuating pop career, which began as a backing singer in Phil Spector's recording studio, the stupendous success of Sonny and Cher's 'I Got You Babe',meetings with Andy Warhol, The Rolling Stones and Brian Wilson, and the move to Hollywood which brought her an Oscar for 'Moonstruck'. Told in her own inimitable style with dozens of her own photographs, THE FIRST TIME is the true story of the events that shaped the life of a luminous star.

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