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Mr Breakfast (2019)

Tekijä: Jonathan Carroll

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782345,927 (3.86)-
Graham Patterson's life has hit a dead end. His career as a comedian is failing. The love of his life recently broke up with him and he literally has no idea what to do next. With nothing to lose, he buys a new car and hits the road, planning to drive across country and hopefully figure out his next moves before reaching California. But along the way Patterson does something his old self would never have even considered: he gets tattooed by a brilliant tattoo artist in North Carolina. The decision sets off a series of extraordinary events that changes his life forever in ways he never could have imagined. Among other things, Patterson is gifted with the ability to see in real time three different lives that are available to him. The choice is his: The life he is leading right now, or two very different ones. In all of them there is love or fame and of course danger because once he has chosen, there is no telling what will happen next.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
I rarely read fantasy and I loved this book. I found the premise of the tatoo, with its very specific rules, as a door to alternate lives fascinating. The characters were well drawn and believable even though their situation was not realistic, or was it. I don't how to look at the end but the journey was so much fun, I don't care. ( )
  ccayne | Apr 1, 2023 |
When Graham's career as a stand up comedian tanks, he decides to go on a road trip from east coast to west coast to start a new life. In North Carolina his car breaks down and he happens upon a tattoo parlor where he surprises himself by being drawn immediately to a tattoo design with such a powerful attraction that he has it put on his arm. It turns out that the tattoo is the instrument that will change his life by enabling him to choose alternate life paths. His attempts to navigate the rules of this magic, and its implications and outcomes make for a thought-provoking and entertaining read. It's tantalizing to consider our own what if.... possibilities, and Graham's experience gives us the opportunity to view his navigation of the journey(s). ( )
  sleahey | Jan 2, 2023 |
näyttää 2/2
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Graham Patterson's life has hit a dead end. His career as a comedian is failing. The love of his life recently broke up with him and he literally has no idea what to do next. With nothing to lose, he buys a new car and hits the road, planning to drive across country and hopefully figure out his next moves before reaching California. But along the way Patterson does something his old self would never have even considered: he gets tattooed by a brilliant tattoo artist in North Carolina. The decision sets off a series of extraordinary events that changes his life forever in ways he never could have imagined. Among other things, Patterson is gifted with the ability to see in real time three different lives that are available to him. The choice is his: The life he is leading right now, or two very different ones. In all of them there is love or fame and of course danger because once he has chosen, there is no telling what will happen next.

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5 2

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