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Tekijä: Else Roesdahl

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584441,232 (3.72)11
Far from being just 'wild, barbaric, axe-wielding pirates', the Vikings created complex social institutions, oversaw the coming of Christianity to Scandinavia and made a major impact on European history through trade, travel and far-flung consolidation. This encyclopedic study brings together the latest research on Viking art, burial customs, class divisions, jewellery, kingship, poetry and family life. The result is a rich and compelling picture of an extraordinary civilisation.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 4/4
Absolutely great book. How Else managed to write about the culture, lifestyle, beliefs (and how Christianity took over), conquests and expeditions (Europe, America, England, Ireland, Scotland, Faroes, Iceland, Greenland, Byzantium, Caliphate, Russia, ...), battles (where lost and won and under which kings), art, poetry, and more is just mindblowing. I haven't read that many Viking books yet, but this is definitely a must-have. Even the bibliography is divised into categories, so you know which books she consulted for which subject. The content may be scholarly, but it's written with a certain smoothness that makes it easy to understand and follow. ( )
  TechThing | Jan 22, 2021 |
Else Roesdahl's "The Vikings" would best be considered a primer on the subject. For personal context, though I am a formal student of History and Politics, I chose to read Roesdahl's book purely for enjoyment.

Pupils of History, as opposed to the often-used descriptor "History Buff" often harbor shame for shame for liking cliché topics within the discipline. Academics are brought up through a healthy tradition of revision, and now as we perhaps enter a post postmodern era in academic culture, the only certainty is uncertainty. As new discoveries and analyses challenge the challenged, it is often too dangerous to attach fondness so eagerly, unless it is the ever-so-academic fondness for the quandary.

But what does this have to do with vikings? Us academics do indulge in guilty pleasures regardless of this culture of objectivity and skepticism. For myself, vikings and Napoleon Bonaparte comprise my two childlike, unwavering, and irrational loves in a sea of loves. So, for me, Roesdahl's "The Vikings" is a perfect book for someone like me.

"The Vikings" is a primer on viking culture and history. Roesdahl covers the all the bases without going into depth in the intradiscipline arguments. The book covers the information we have on the vikings, going into their society and culture before their history. The book proportionally covers the vikings in respect to what is important and for what we are interested in. There is significant portions given to popular vikings topics such as culture, religion, the colonization of the west, etc.. Thus, not only is "The Vikings" a reliable and responsible account for the novice like myself, but it is interesting and fun for those interested in the topic.

Now for the physical book itself. Penguin Books almost always does a good job in their publishing, and "The Vikings" is a continuation of this tradition. Charactered, aesthetic, and easily worn binding; an artistic and modern cover; a pleasing serif font; all that we have come to expect is there. This book comes with the added boon of two sets of plates with images, often referenced in the text.

So please pardon my romanticism, but I think this is a very good book. ( )
  MarchingBandMan | Sep 16, 2018 |
A scholarly study of the Vikings. Split into short chapters about the various aspects of life; such as — the society and culture; trade and war; travel and settlements.

The far reaching influence of the Vikings is more than just the common impression of raids and piracy and Else Roesdahl presents their history in an informative way. I did find this heavy going in places, rather a dry approach to a fascinating subject. There are some good illustrations; maps; black and white photographic plates and a comprehensive bibliography. A good starter book on this subject but, as she admits herself, there are new archaeological finds and, as this was originally written in 1987, I expect there is more known now than is covered by this book. ( )
  calm | May 11, 2010 |
An essential book for any Viking library. A complete, concise, and readable summary of Viking history, culture, daily life, and religion. ( )
  talkingdog | Jun 2, 2009 |
näyttää 4/4
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (3)

Far from being just 'wild, barbaric, axe-wielding pirates', the Vikings created complex social institutions, oversaw the coming of Christianity to Scandinavia and made a major impact on European history through trade, travel and far-flung consolidation. This encyclopedic study brings together the latest research on Viking art, burial customs, class divisions, jewellery, kingship, poetry and family life. The result is a rich and compelling picture of an extraordinary civilisation.

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