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Zero Divergence

Tekijä: Aimee Nicole Walker

Muut tekijät: Katso muut tekijät -osio.

Sarjat: Zero Hour (3)

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231989,336 (4)-
Zero Divergence, noun: no deviation from a course or standard. After a key piece of evidence goes missing, a suspected serial rapist and killer evades prosecution. More than Royce Locke's reputation is on the line when his investigation into the failed chain of custody suggests Franco Humphries might've had inside help. There's no one Royce trusts more than Sawyer Key to help him right a wrong and uncover the traitor in their midst, but can they do it before the Savannah Strangler strikes again? Relentless plus fearless equals flawless. Sawyer and Royce have come full circle-from hostile strangers to best friends and lovers. Neither a sniper's bullet nor an arsonist's fire could keep them apart, but what about a psychopath hell-bent on revenge? The stakes are high, and there's no turning back now because the zero hour is upon them. Tick tock. Contains mature themes.… (lisätietoja)

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[3.8] and this concludes the adventures of Dickhead and Asshole! (how's that for an endearing pet name lmao) i found the mystery to be lacking that extra punch i was hoping for, but this lovely pair made up for it with their banter and connection--i especially love how their mutual respect for each other shines throughout the story!

the ending was rather abrupt and i'm sad we're missing an epilogue to wrap everything up in a nice, pretty bow, but could this perhaps hint at more locke and key content?? ( )
  loqiton | Aug 1, 2021 |
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Aimee Nicole Walkerensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetlaskettu
James, TristanKertojamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu

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Zero Divergence, noun: no deviation from a course or standard. After a key piece of evidence goes missing, a suspected serial rapist and killer evades prosecution. More than Royce Locke's reputation is on the line when his investigation into the failed chain of custody suggests Franco Humphries might've had inside help. There's no one Royce trusts more than Sawyer Key to help him right a wrong and uncover the traitor in their midst, but can they do it before the Savannah Strangler strikes again? Relentless plus fearless equals flawless. Sawyer and Royce have come full circle-from hostile strangers to best friends and lovers. Neither a sniper's bullet nor an arsonist's fire could keep them apart, but what about a psychopath hell-bent on revenge? The stakes are high, and there's no turning back now because the zero hour is upon them. Tick tock. Contains mature themes.

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