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Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP Model, 3rd Edition

Tekijä: Jana J. Echevarria

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289292,275 (4.33)-
Making Content Comprehensible for Elementary English Learners: The SIOP® Model is written to give K-6 elementary school teachers lesson plans, teaching ideas, and many effective activities for working successfully with children who are English learners or who struggle with academic literacy. Several sample lessons and activities show the alignment of the SIOP Model to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Based on research that confirms that the SIOP Model (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) makes a positive difference academically for all students--and what works well for English learners will work equally well with other students--the book is ideal both for teachers who are already familiar with the SIOP Model, and those who are just learning about it. It gives educators a model for planning and implementing lessons that help the English learners in their charge gain access to grade-level content standards, and ultimately prepare them for life after high school, in college or a career.   New with the Second Edition is an accompanying online resource site, PDToolkit for SIOP®: The new website includes: SIOP® Research SIOP® Resources SIOP® Lesson Plans and Activities SIOP® Videos To learn more, please visit: http://pdtoolkit.pearson.com… (lisätietoja)

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Based on the widely used text, Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP Model, which includes all grade levels, this book is geared towards the specific needs of elementary students and teachers. The book opens with an introductory chapter that provides an overview of issues in the education of English learners. Each chapter that follows discusses one research-based component of the SIOP Model of instruction and give explicit guidance on how to implement the component in elementary classrooms. Each chapter also includes vignettes of 3 teachers implementing the SIOP Model to varying degrees. Readers have the opportunity to analyze the instruction and rate the lessons. The authors provide their own analysis and discussion of each lesson as well.
  bsprofessional | Feb 18, 2011 |
I love this book! It has many great strategies to use in the classroom for all students, although it is geared towards ESL students. I recommend it for any teacher!!!
  teacherandbooklover | Aug 21, 2008 |
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Making Content Comprehensible for Elementary English Learners: The SIOP® Model is written to give K-6 elementary school teachers lesson plans, teaching ideas, and many effective activities for working successfully with children who are English learners or who struggle with academic literacy. Several sample lessons and activities show the alignment of the SIOP Model to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Based on research that confirms that the SIOP Model (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) makes a positive difference academically for all students--and what works well for English learners will work equally well with other students--the book is ideal both for teachers who are already familiar with the SIOP Model, and those who are just learning about it. It gives educators a model for planning and implementing lessons that help the English learners in their charge gain access to grade-level content standards, and ultimately prepare them for life after high school, in college or a career.   New with the Second Edition is an accompanying online resource site, PDToolkit for SIOP®: The new website includes: SIOP® Research SIOP® Resources SIOP® Lesson Plans and Activities SIOP® Videos To learn more, please visit: http://pdtoolkit.pearson.com

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