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Dream With Me

Tekijä: Kristen Proby

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
311778,523 (3.31)2
Fiction. Romance. HTML:

From New York Times Bestselling Author Kristen Proby comes Dream With Me, an all-new addition to the series that has sold more than

a million copies to date, her beloved

With Me In Seattle Series!

Kane O'Callaghan knows what it is to have his work shown all over the world. His pieces are on display in palaces and museums, including the O'Callaghan Museum of Glass just outside of his beloved hometown of Seattle. Kane is a bit of a recluse, spending time on his farm alone and committed to his art. His life is full.

Until the day he meets her.

Wandering through museums is Anastasia Montgomery's favorite way to spend her time. Not only does art feed her soul, but it inspires her own art of designing wedding cakes. When her muse seems to be gone, she finds her again among the beauty in the museums of Seattle, and the O'Callaghan Museum of Glass is her favorite. She's never met the artist, but he must be absolutely brilliant, if he can make such beautiful things out of glass.

Bumping into a grumpy stranger at the museum wasn't in Anastasia's plan. And then discovering it was Kane himself was absolutely humiliating.

But when she sees him again at a charity fundraiser, and ends up spending an incredible, unforgettable night with the mysterious glass smith, Anastasia finds herself thinking of Kane and little else, even her precious work. Will this relationship bloom into the romance of a lifetime, or will their dreams of success get in the way of true love?

… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 2 mainintaa

I've loved a lot of the WMIS books but this one was a bit slow. Nothing really exciting happening. ( )
  DebJack | Jul 28, 2023 |
ei arvosteluja | lisää arvostelu

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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Fiction. Romance. HTML:

From New York Times Bestselling Author Kristen Proby comes Dream With Me, an all-new addition to the series that has sold more than

a million copies to date, her beloved

With Me In Seattle Series!

Kane O'Callaghan knows what it is to have his work shown all over the world. His pieces are on display in palaces and museums, including the O'Callaghan Museum of Glass just outside of his beloved hometown of Seattle. Kane is a bit of a recluse, spending time on his farm alone and committed to his art. His life is full.

Until the day he meets her.

Wandering through museums is Anastasia Montgomery's favorite way to spend her time. Not only does art feed her soul, but it inspires her own art of designing wedding cakes. When her muse seems to be gone, she finds her again among the beauty in the museums of Seattle, and the O'Callaghan Museum of Glass is her favorite. She's never met the artist, but he must be absolutely brilliant, if he can make such beautiful things out of glass.

Bumping into a grumpy stranger at the museum wasn't in Anastasia's plan. And then discovering it was Kane himself was absolutely humiliating.

But when she sees him again at a charity fundraiser, and ends up spending an incredible, unforgettable night with the mysterious glass smith, Anastasia finds herself thinking of Kane and little else, even her precious work. Will this relationship bloom into the romance of a lifetime, or will their dreams of success get in the way of true love?


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