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Saki: The Fiction: Complete and Unabridged (Barnes & Noble's Library of Essential Writers Series) (Barnes & Noble's Libr

Tekijä: Saki

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
741363,520 (4.25)3
Saki (1870-1916) is the well-known pseudonym adopted by Hector Hugh Munro (H. H. Munro), who was born in Burma but moved with his family to their native England three years later. Munro began writing for a living in 1896. In 1900, he teamed with illustrator Francis Carruthers Gould for a series of satirical political sketches collected as "The Westminster Alice" (1902). These sketches were bylined 'Saki,' the name Munro would sign to all of his fiction thereafter. For much of the next decade he wrote fiction prolifically while serving as a journalist for several newspapers. The stories he collected in "Reginald" (1904), "Reginald in Russia, and Other Sketches" (1910), "The Chronicles of Clovis" (1911), and "The Toys of Peace" (1919) are memorable for their depictions of ironic twists of fate and subtly vicious behaviors that discompose genteel upper class British households. He also wrote the novels "The Unbearable Bassington" (1912) and "When William Came" (1914). -- From book jacket.… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 3 mainintaa

Partial index
The novels: The Westminster Alice --
The unbearable Bassington --
When William came. The story collections: Reginald --
Reginald in Russia, and other sketches --
The chronicles of Clovis --
Beasts and super-beasts --
The toys of peace --
The square egg and uncollected stories.
  lulaa | May 11, 2014 |
ei arvosteluja | lisää arvostelu

Kuuluu näihin kustantajien sarjoihin

Sisältää nämä:

Reginald (tekijä: Saki)
Gabriel-Ernest {short story} (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
The Bag [short story] (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
Tobermory {short story} (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
Sredni Vashtar [short story] (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
The Easter Egg [short story] (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
Esmé [short story] (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
The Unrest-Cure {short story} (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
Adrian {short story} (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
The Chaplet {short story} (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
The Quest {short story} (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
The Hounds of Fate {short story} (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
The Recessional {short story} (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
Laura [short story] (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
The Open Window [short story] (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
A Holiday Task {short story} (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
The Name-Day {short story} (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
The Lumber-Room {short story} (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
The She-Wolf [short story] (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
The Boar-Pig {short story} (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
The Brogue {short story} (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
The Hen {short story} (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
The Cobweb {short story} (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
The lull {short story} (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
The Romancers {short story} (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
The Seventh Pullet {short story} (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
Cousin Teresa {short story} (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
The Stake {short story} (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
The Stalled Ox {short story} (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
The Story-Teller (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
Fur {short story} (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
The Guests {short story} (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
The Penance {short story} (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
The Interlopers [short story] (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
The Mappined Life {short story} (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
The Toys of Peace [short story] (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
Louise {short story} (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
Tea {short story} (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
Fate {short story} (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
The Bull {short story} (tekijä: Saki) (epäsuora)
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Saki (1870-1916) is the well-known pseudonym adopted by Hector Hugh Munro (H. H. Munro), who was born in Burma but moved with his family to their native England three years later. Munro began writing for a living in 1896. In 1900, he teamed with illustrator Francis Carruthers Gould for a series of satirical political sketches collected as "The Westminster Alice" (1902). These sketches were bylined 'Saki,' the name Munro would sign to all of his fiction thereafter. For much of the next decade he wrote fiction prolifically while serving as a journalist for several newspapers. The stories he collected in "Reginald" (1904), "Reginald in Russia, and Other Sketches" (1910), "The Chronicles of Clovis" (1911), and "The Toys of Peace" (1919) are memorable for their depictions of ironic twists of fate and subtly vicious behaviors that discompose genteel upper class British households. He also wrote the novels "The Unbearable Bassington" (1912) and "When William Came" (1914). -- From book jacket.

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