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Robert Ludlum's The Treadstone Resurrection

Tekijä: Joshua Hood

Muut tekijät: Robert Ludlum (Series Creator)

Muut tekijät: Katso muut tekijät -osio.

Sarjat: Treadstone (1)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
1505183,812 (3.26)1
Operation Treadstone has nearly ruined Adam Hayes. The top-secret CIA Black Ops program trained him to be an all but invincible assassin, but it also cost him his family and any chance at a normal life. Which is why he was determined to get out. Working as a carpenter in rural Washington state, Adam thinks he has left Treadstone in the past, until he received a mysterious email from a former colleague, and soon after is attacked by an unknown hit team at his job site. Adam must regain the skills that Treadstone taught him--lightning reflexes and a cold conscience--in order to discover who the would-be killers are and why they have come after him now. Are his pursuers enemies from a long-ago mission? Rival intelligence agents? Or, perhaps, forces inside Treadstone? His search will unearth secrets in the highelest levels of government and pull him back into the shadowy world he worked so hard to forget.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 5/5
It was ok, the one-liners and quips were kind of immersion-breaking to me. not the worst but not the best. ( )
  pzhorton4 | Nov 29, 2021 |
This originally appeared at The Irresponsible Reader.

The bullet wound to his shoulder ached like someone was hammering nails through his skin.

Hayes had been here before, wounded, alone, and on the run. Wanting to quit, but unable to, thanks to the mind job the Treadstone docs had done on him. Survival: It was the only thing that mattered.

And revenge the voice reminded him.

Not too long ago, Adam Hayes left the black-ops program, Treadstone, and invented a new life for himself as a contractor in Washington. It wasn't an easy thing to do, but for several reasons, it was the thing he had to do.

But out of the blue, an old friend and colleague sends him an email containing four pictures. The subject line of the email reads "By the time you get this I'll be dead." Which, you've got to admit, will get your attention. Not only has his friend been killed, but a group of men have tried to kill Hayes twice (and almost succeeded both times).

It turns out that the men who killed his friend found the email and traveled from Venezuala to Washington to keep Hayes from doing anything with the information. It's safe to say that they underestimated who they were going up against. It's not every day that operatives find themselves trying to take out someone like a Treadstone assassin.

A combination of training, reflexes, and good friends make survival something he can accomplish. But revenge will take allies old and new; a trip to South America and back; and embracing everything he fought so hard to leave behind.

Okay, it takes very little time to have a pretty good idea what's going to happen in this book—you know that Hayes is going to get his revenge and stop whatever plot his pal told him about. The questions are: how many and which of his allies will survive, how many bad guys will Hayes take out, and which one will be the hardest to kill?* It's all about execution at this point.

* I was surprised by the answers to 1 and 3, by the way.

And Hood's execution was pretty good. Without realizing it, I raced through this book in about half the time I'd scheduled for it (and I honestly didn't realize how quickly I was reading). There's not a wasted word, the prose is smooth, the action is fast, the pacing is tight, the ammo is plentiful—you just find the pages melting away.

The characterization is pretty thin—but it's enough. You get enough of an idea about who Adam Hayes is and what makes him tick to work, but not much more. Ditto for the main bad guys. But that's not what this book is about—it's about escapist thrills. And it delivers that.

Suspend your disbelief (might be easier to just lock your disbelief in a small room somewhere), sit back, and enjoy. ( )
  hcnewton | May 13, 2021 |
My first book by Joshua Hood as well as Bourne/Treadstone universe. This Resurrection is a fabulous action/spy thriller novel. I can't believe I was attached to the first character introduced in this novel right from the very beginning. His action brought Adam Hayes, ex-Treadstone operative back into the game. ( )
  xKayx | Dec 14, 2020 |
My first library book since lockdown - and I have no idea why I wanted to read such a blokey book. If there was a Man Book award, rather than the Man Booker, this would win. The story, about a bionic assassin seeking to uncover the truth about his friend's death in Venezuela, was completely ruined by the writing, complete with childish onomatopoeia (thwap, braaaaap, BOOM!) and ridiculous dialogue ('I've got something better than a plan - I've got a bag of guns' and 'We're going to diiiiiiiie!') Not to mention all the flashbacks in italics and military terminology that constantly requires translation.

Joshua Hood is apparently one of many authors writing under the Robert Ludlum 'brand' (complete with trademark) and according to fans of the series, this novel is a successful imitator, but honestly, I despair of the male imagination if cliched film action scenes triumph over character and intelligible conversation. No more for me, thanks! ( )
  AdonisGuilfoyle | Aug 8, 2020 |
The Treadstone Resurrection by Joshua Hood

What if you had worked for Uncle Sam for years, been a lethal human weapon and finally decided to return to normal live to spend time with your family? What if the life you had lead in the military had made it difficult to be as you once were but you were doing everything in your power to return to a simpler more loving life with wife and son and then one day it all fell apart and every skill you had put behind you was suddenly required again? That happened ot Adam Hayes in this first book of a new series based on the training ground Bourne went through in the trilogy about him written long ago.

Having read the trilogy I was interested to see what a spin-off book might be like written by a man with military skills in his arsenal and set in the present. And, I am glad I read this book though sometimes for some reason it reminded me of the movies Expendables and A-Team. It is my opinion that when reading fiction one sometimes has to leave reality, believability and plausibility behind and just enjoy the ride and not dissect whether or not one man could realistically do all that Hayes did.

What I liked:
* Adam Hayes: He seemed like a good man who had been given a raw deal. I would love for him to have a nice safe life with his wife and son but it seems highly unlikely in the series this book introduces
* Deano & his wife: wonderful people that were good friends to Adam
* The introduction of Waters and JT – they might show up in future books in the series
* Some of the people introduced that played parts in the story: Boggs, Ford, Izzy, Shaw
* That good prevailed over evil
* The action scenes were believable
* That when the book ended I wondered what would happen next

What I wanted to know
* How Hayes get all of the gear to Venezuela when he parachuted in
* How many others from Treadstone might be around to show up in future books
* More of Hayes’s backstory

What I didn’t like:
* The bad guys I was meant not to like

Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series? Yes

Thank you to Head of Zeus & Midas Public Relations for the ARC – This is my honest review.

4 Stars ( )
  CathyGeha | Mar 10, 2020 |
näyttää 5/5
ei arvosteluja | lisää arvostelu

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Tekijän nimiRooliTekijän tyyppiKoskeeko teosta?Tila
Joshua Hoodensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetlaskettu
Ludlum, RobertSeries Creatormuu tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Butler, RonKertojamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu

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Operation Treadstone has nearly ruined Adam Hayes. The top-secret CIA Black Ops program trained him to be an all but invincible assassin, but it also cost him his family and any chance at a normal life. Which is why he was determined to get out. Working as a carpenter in rural Washington state, Adam thinks he has left Treadstone in the past, until he received a mysterious email from a former colleague, and soon after is attacked by an unknown hit team at his job site. Adam must regain the skills that Treadstone taught him--lightning reflexes and a cold conscience--in order to discover who the would-be killers are and why they have come after him now. Are his pursuers enemies from a long-ago mission? Rival intelligence agents? Or, perhaps, forces inside Treadstone? His search will unearth secrets in the highelest levels of government and pull him back into the shadowy world he worked so hard to forget.

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