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My Teacher is a Robot

Tekijä: Jeffrey Brown

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
322757,202 (2.94)-
From the author of the "New York Times"-bestselling Jedi Academy books comes an imaginative picture book about a kid whose creative outlook has everyone at school seeing the world through new eyes. Fred does not want to go to school because it's boring. Especially since he thinks his teacher is a robot. If only Fred could imagine a way for his day to be more exciting...… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
This book was a mess. The main student in this story is convinced that their teacher is a robot. They’re convinced of this because of the way they teach, send kids out for recess, the assignments, etc. There’s not a lot of storytelling. The pictures do most of it and the story is all told in thought/speech bubbles. It’s not bad but it’s not great, and it would be horrible for story time. But it could be OK for interactive play. ( )
  LibrarianRyan | Aug 8, 2023 |
Fred is convinced his teacher is a robot in this entertaining new picture-book from author/illustrator Jeffrey Brown, the creator of the Jedi Academy series for middle-grade readers. As the lessons and activities of the school-day follow each other, one by one, he finds evidence for his theory at every turn. Then Mr. Bailey does something unexpected: he lets the pupils write whatever they like, during creative writing period...

I found it amusing that Mr. Bailey's encouragement of Fred and his classmates' creativity doesn't lead our protagonist to revise his view, but rather, to spin an even wilder tale about his robotic instructor. Perhaps Fred, who seems to be creating a comic-book-style adventure during this period, is a young Jeffrey Brown? Whatever the case may be, imaginative youngsters who like to spin wildly improbable tales will undoubtedly find My Teacher Is a Robot amusing. The illustration style wasn't a personal favorite - too cartoon-like - but it was certainly engaging and humorous. Recommended to youngsters who complain that school is boring. ( )
  AbigailAdams26 | Jun 27, 2019 |
näyttää 2/2
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From the author of the "New York Times"-bestselling Jedi Academy books comes an imaginative picture book about a kid whose creative outlook has everyone at school seeing the world through new eyes. Fred does not want to go to school because it's boring. Especially since he thinks his teacher is a robot. If only Fred could imagine a way for his day to be more exciting...

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